University of Nebraska Medical Center

Evaluation and Outcome Reporting

The Office of Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation offers comprehensive evaluation and outcome reporting services designed to measure the impact of educational activities and support continuous improvement.

Our approach focuses on assessing and reporting outcomes based on Moore’s Levels of Educational Outcomes, with particular emphasis on levels 3 and 4, and the capability to evaluate levels 5 and 6, linking learning outcomes to real-world changes.

Our Services

  • Data Collection: We create and manage surveys and evaluations tailored to your specific educational activities. Our methods are designed to capture relevant data effectively and efficiently, providing a solid foundation for outcome measurement.

  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Our team analyzes collected data to generate insightful reports. We use advanced analytical techniques to ensure that the findings are accurate and actionable, providing a clear picture of the effectiveness of your educational programs.

  • Before and After Metric Comparison: We perform comparative analysis using pre- and post-activity metrics to measure changes in knowledge, skills, or behaviors. This helps to quantify the impact of the educational activities and identify areas for improvement.

  • Generate Knowledge Based on Impact Data: By interpreting the impact data, we generate valuable insights that inform future programming and enhance the overall quality of your educational offerings.

Our Process

  1. Initial Consultation and Planning: We start by working closely with you to understand your educational goals and desired outcomes. This initial consultation helps us design evaluation tools and metrics that align with your specific needs.

  2. Survey and Evaluation Design: Based on our planning, we develop customized surveys and evaluation instruments that effectively capture the data needed to measure educational outcomes.

  3. Data Collection: We implement the surveys and evaluations, ensuring a smooth data collection process. Our approach is designed to gather accurate and comprehensive data from participants.

  4. Data Analysis: Once data is collected, we analyze it using robust analytical methods. Our goal is to provide a clear and detailed understanding of the educational impact, including comparisons of before and after metrics.

  5. Reporting and Insights: We prepare summary reports that present key findings and insights. These reports are shared with our partners to facilitate ongoing improvement and enhance the effectiveness of future educational activities.

  6. Continuous Improvement: Using the insights gained from the reports, we collaborate with you to make data-driven adjustments and improvements to your educational programs, ensuring they remain effective and relevant.

By choosing our service for evaluation and outcome reporting, you gain access to expert measurement and analysis services that drive meaningful improvements in your educational activities, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and impact.