University of Nebraska Medical Center

Live Events Photography Use Policy

The Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation department at the UNMC College of Nursing is committed to maintaining a respectful and professional environment during our live events. As part of our efforts to document and promote these events, we may capture photographs and videos during the proceedings. The following policy outlines the use of these images:

Photography and Videography

Photographs and videos may be taken by our staff or designated photographers during live events. These images may include participants, speakers, and event activities. By attending our live event, you consent to be photographed or recorded.

Use of Images

Our office reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken at live events for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Promotional materials (brochures, flyers, posters)
  • Social media platforms
  • Our and UNMC websites
  • Newsletters and other communications
  • Educational materials and publications

These images may be used without compensation to the participants and will be selected to highlight the educational and professional nature of our events.

Opt-Out Option

We respect the privacy of our participants. If you do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please inform the event organizers or the photographer upon arrival at the event. We will make every effort to honor your request, although we cannot guarantee complete exclusion from all group shots or background captures.

Image Rights

All photographs and videos taken at our live events are the property of our office and the UNMC College of Nursing. Participants do not have the right to inspect or approve the images before they are used. Our office retains the rights to all images and reserves the right to edit or modify them as necessary.

Third-Party Use

Our office may share event images with third-party partners, sponsors, or collaborators for promotional and educational purposes. These third parties are also bound by this policy and are not permitted to use the images for commercial purposes without our consent.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of photographs or videos taken at our live events, please contact our office before or during the event. We are committed to addressing any concerns you may have and ensuring that your experience at our events is positive and comfortable.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your participation in our events.