University of Nebraska Medical Center

Grievance and Appeals Policy

The Grievance and Appeals Policy for the Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation department at the UNMC College of Nursing provides a formal process for learners to address concerns or disputes related to their educational experience. This policy aims to ensure fair and equitable resolution of issues, uphold the integrity of the educational programs, and maintain a positive learning environment.

Grievance Procedure

  1. Filing a Grievance

    • Submission: Learners who wish to file a grievance must submit a written complaint to our office. The complaint should include a detailed description of the issue, relevant dates, and any supporting documentation.
    • Timeliness: Grievances should be submitted within 30 days of the incident or issue that prompted the complaint. This ensures timely resolution and adherence to the policy.
  2. Review Process

    • Acknowledgment: Upon receiving a grievance, our office will acknowledge receipt within 5 business days. The grievance will be reviewed by our Grievance Committee or designated representative.
    • Investigation: The committee will conduct a thorough investigation, which may include gathering additional information, interviewing relevant parties, and reviewing documentation.
    • Resolution: The committee will provide a written response to the grievance within 15 business days of receipt. The response will include a summary of findings and any actions taken or proposed.
  3. Confidentiality

    • Privacy: All grievances will be handled confidentially to the extent possible. Information will be shared only with those directly involved in the investigation and resolution process.

Appeals Procedure

  1. Filing an Appeal

    • Submission: Learners may appeal the outcome of a grievance by submitting a written appeal to the our Appeals Committee within 10 business days of receiving the initial response.
    • Grounds for Appeal: Appeals must clearly state the grounds for contesting the original decision, such as procedural errors, new evidence, or disagreements with the findings.
  2. Review Process

    • Acknowledgment: The Appeals Committee will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 5 business days.
    • Review: The committee will review the appeal, which may involve re-examining the original grievance, additional evidence, and conducting further discussions if necessary.
    • Decision: The Appeals Committee will provide a final written decision within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal. This decision will be considered final and binding.
  3. Confidentiality

    • Privacy: Appeals will be handled with confidentiality. The committee will ensure that all involved parties maintain the privacy of the appeal process.

Support and Resources

  • Contact Information: Learners can contact our office for guidance on the grievance and appeals process or to seek support.
  • Assistance: Support is available throughout the grievance and appeals process, including advice on how to prepare and submit documentation.

Policy Review

  • Revisions: This policy is reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and to incorporate any necessary changes. Feedback from learners is considered in the review process.

For further information or assistance, please contact our office. We are committed to addressing your concerns fairly and ensuring a positive learning experience.