University of Nebraska Medical Center

Feedback and Evaluation Policy

The Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation department at the UNMC College of Nursing is committed to continuously improving the quality of our educational programs and services. To achieve this, we rely on feedback and evaluations from our learners, faculty, and partners. This policy outlines the process for providing and utilizing feedback to enhance our offerings.

Collection of Feedback

  • Learner Feedback: Learners are encouraged to provide feedback on their educational experiences through various channels, including post-activity surveys, course evaluations, and informal communication.
  • Faculty and Partner Input: Faculty members and external partners involved in program delivery are also invited to share their insights and suggestions for improvement.
  • Anonymous Feedback: To ensure honesty and openness, feedback may be submitted anonymously, particularly through surveys and evaluations.

Evaluation Methods

  • Pre and Post-Activity Surveys: At the conclusion of each activity, learners will be asked to complete a survey assessing various aspects of the program, including content relevance, instructional quality, and overall satisfaction.
  • Focus Groups and Interviews: In some cases, our office may conduct focus groups or one-on-one interviews with participants to gain deeper insights into specific areas of interest or concern.

Use of Feedback

  • Continuous Improvement: Feedback is systematically reviewed by the our team to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for innovation in program design and delivery.
  • Program Adjustments: Based on feedback, our office may implement changes to course content, instructional methods, or logistical arrangements to better meet the needs of learners and stakeholders.
  • Recognition of Excellence: Positive feedback is used to recognize and commend faculty and staff who demonstrate exceptional performance in program delivery.


  • Privacy of Respondents: All feedback provided by learners, faculty, and partners is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Identifiable information will not be disclosed without the respondent's consent.
  • Data Security: Feedback data is securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel involved in the evaluation and improvement processes.

Communication of Outcomes

  • Feedback Results: Summarized results of feedback and evaluation activities may be shared with relevant stakeholders, including learners, faculty, and partners, to demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Implemented Changes: Our office will communicate any significant changes or improvements made to programs or services based on the feedback received, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Encouragement of Ongoing Participation

  • Open Channels for Feedback: Our office encourages learners, faculty, and partners to provide feedback at any time, not just during formal evaluation periods. We welcome ongoing input to help us maintain high standards of quality in all our educational offerings.

Our office values the feedback and evaluations provided by our learners, faculty, and partners. By actively seeking and incorporating this input, we strive to create educational experiences that are relevant, effective, and aligned with the needs of health care professionals. Your voice is essential in helping us achieve these goals.

This policy ensures that feedback and evaluations are integral components of the continuous improvement process, fostering an environment of excellence in continuing education.