University of Nebraska Medical Center

Assessment and Certification Policy

The Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation department at the UNMC College of Nursing is committed to ensuring that learners achieve the necessary competencies and skills through rigorous assessment methods. This policy outlines the procedures and criteria for assessments, as well as the requirements for earning certifications.

Assessment Policy

  1. Assessment Methods:

    • Formative Assessments: These may include quizzes, interactive activities, discussion participation, and other continuous assessment tools to gauge learner progress throughout the course or activity.
    • Summative Assessments: At the conclusion of each course or activity, learners may be required to complete a final assessment, such as a post-test, practical demonstrations, or project submissions. The results of these assessments may or may not determine the learner's eligibility for certification.
  2. Assessment Criteria:

    • Competency-Based Evaluation: Assessments are designed to evaluate the learner’s understanding and application of key concepts and skills relevant to the activity.
    • Passing Requirements: Specific passing criteria will be outlined in the activity materials. Learners must meet or exceed the minimum score or performance level to pass.
  3. Retake Policy:

    • Eligibility for Retake: Learners who do not meet the passing criteria may be eligible to retake the assessment. 

Certification Policy

  1. Certification Eligibility:

    • Completion of Requirements: To be eligible for a certification, learners must successfully complete all required assessments, attend all mandatory sessions, and meet any other specified criteria.
    • Timeframe for Completion: Certifications must be earned within the timeframe specified for each program. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by our office.
  2. Issuance of Certificates:

    • Digital Certificates: Upon successful completion of the program and meeting all requirements, learners will be issued a digital certificate of completion. This certificate will be accessible through the our online registration portal.
    • Certificate Validity: Certificates are valid for a specific duration, as indicated on the certificate itself. Learners are responsible for maintaining their own records and ensuring they access their certificates before the expiration date.
  3. Duplicate Certificates:

    • Requesting a Duplicate: If a learner requires a duplicate certificate, they may request one by contacting us. 
    • Timeframe for Issuance: Duplicate certificates will be processed and issued within a specified timeframe after the request is received.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Ongoing Evaluation: Our office regularly reviews and updates assessment methods and certification processes to ensure they meet the highest standards of educational quality and relevance.

  2. Learner Feedback: Feedback from learners on the assessment and certification process is encouraged and valued. This input will be considered in the ongoing enhancement of our programs.

This policy ensures that the assessment and certification processes within our office are fair, transparent, and aligned with the department's commitment to excellence in continuing professional education. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our office.