Gero Nurse Prep

Gero Nurse Prep is an online training course designed to prepare RNs who care for elders to attain board certification in Gerontological Nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. This course equips RNs with a broad array of clinical knowledge, skills, and competencies that are tested on the ANCC certification exam and essential for quality gerontological nursing practice and leadership of elder care teams.
- Content in the course is mapped to the ANCC test outline to ensure success in ANCC certification in Gerontological Nursing.
- Gero Nurse Prep Alums have a 94% pass rate on the certification exam.
- 30 ANCC contact hours by the UNMC College of Nursing Office of Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation, a Jointly Accredited Provider.
- 10 online educational modules, complete with content, assigned readings, learning activities and numerous resources.
- Practice test opportunities including a simulated certification exam & test taking strategies and tips.
- End-of-course forum with tips from Gero Nurse Prep alums who passed the certification exam.
- The user-friendly format is available 24/7 on any computer with internet access. Customer support is available by phone, email or online
Those who work most closely with residents are at the core of providing quality care and achieving quality outcomes. Research shows that satisfied and happy staffs provide better quality care and contribute to greater quality of life for the residents in skilled nursing centers. With a more satisfied, well-trained and committed staff, providers see increased retention rates and fewer work-related accidents and injuries, all of which contribute to better overall performance of the center. Gero Nurse Prep can help nurses feel more confident and stabilize turnover. Gero Nurse Prep can help address all four quality initiatives set forth by the AHCA/NCAL, based on CMS quality indicators.
Learn more through Gero Nurse Prep.