John R. Windle, MD
In 1985 I was hired by Mike Sorrell to establish the cardiac electrophysiology program at UNMC, I also sought establish a basic research program in cellular electrophysiology. The combination was a spectacular failure. When I started heart signals were recorded on paper or a tape recorder. Soon after digital signal processing replaced analog recordings and so began my career with computers in medicine.
Though I have remained on faculty at UNMC for over 35 years my path has been anything but straight. In the 1990s my pathway split in two different directions: advanced signal processing to map heart arrhythmias, and continuing medical education. Those pathways merged in the late 1990s with emergence of the electronic medical record.
This past year I became the inaugural director of the Center for Intelligent Health Care bringing all of my passions under one roof. The goal of the Center is to bring the talent and passion present within UNMC and the whole University of Nebraska System to intelligently simplify health care.
Current Research Interest
Adaptive Decision Support, in particular exploring causality and explainable, teachable artificial intelligence to make clinicians more efficient and effective, and patients safer and more satisfied with their health care.
Key Manuscripts
Windle, JR, Windle, TA. Electronic Health Records and the Quest to Achieve the Triple Aim. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Volume. 65. No 18, 2015.
Windle, JR, Katz, AS, Dow, JP, Edward TA, et al. 2016 ACC/ASE/ASNC/HRS/SCAI Health Policy Statement on Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise. J Am Coll Cardiol.2016;68(12):1348-1364. Doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.04.017.
Tcheng JE., Drozda JP., Gabriel, D., Wilgus RW., Williams M., Windle TA., Windle JR. (2018). Improving Healthcare Interoperability Project Report. Pew Charitable Trusts and Duke Clinical Research Institute, 1-42. Retrieved from
2019 AHA/ACC Clinical Performance and Quality Measures for Adults With High Blood Pressure: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures. Donald E. Casey Jr, Randal J. Thomas, Vivek Bhalla, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Paul A. Heidenreich, Dhaval Kolte, Paul Muntner, Sidney C. Smith Jr, John A. Spertus, John R. Windle, Gregory D. Wozniak, Boback Ziaeian. Circulation Quality and Outcomes. 12(11) 1-48.
Windle JR, Windle TA, Shamavu KY, Nelson QM, Clarke MA, Fruhling, AF, Tcheng JE. A Roadmap to a More Useful and Usable Electronic Health Record JAMIA-under review