University of Nebraska Medical Center

Provider Pitch

Health care providers identify and present research areas that would directly impact health outcomes pertinent to the region and state or have national implications.

Providers include any team member - nurse, coordinator, PA, surgeon, physician, etc. 


Rebekah Gundry, PhD and Iraklis Pipinos, MD


One health care provider per month presents a “pitch” to solicit input and identify appropriate collaborators to work with to achieve their research goals. Providers will follow a structured format to describe the “why” and the “what” with the goal if identifying collaborators that can contribute the “how”. Teams formed as a result of the Provider Pitch are eligible to receive Provider-Partner Grants (see Research Funding section) to support their research ideas.




30 min; early morning


CHVR members

If you are interested in presenting a Provider Pitch, please contact Dr. Rebekah Gundry to get on the schedule.