Research Funding
Our center provides a variety of funding opportunities to promote advances in research by supporting high quality publications, networking, and projects.
The center's director and associate director will select funding priorities for each year, with approval by the steering committee.
Center members must be in good standing to become eligible to receive funding. Good standing is defined as those who meet and maintain criteria for membership (e.g., attend at least five center events per year, maintain current ORCID ID, actively engage in cardiovascular research).
Research Project Funding
Supports research projects that are aimed at generating preliminary data, publications, collaborations that will be competitive for future external funding once the project is completed. Priority is for investigators eligible to become Research Project Leaders in the COBRE.
- Eligibility: CHVR members in good standing
- Max Award Amount: $100,000 / year for two years
- Current RFA
Funds to help investigators complete crucial experiments for resubmission of external grant applications that score within ~10% of payline.
- Eligibility: CHVR members in good standing with demonstrated financial need who have submitted an external funding application within the past 18 months that scored within ~10% of payline but was not awarded.
- Max Award Amount: $10,000
- Current application
- Investigator is a clinical provider at Nebraska Medicine or Children's Nebraska, and may be a resident, fellow, nurse, clinical coordinator, physician, surgeon, etc.
- Applicants may submit one application per year.
- Projects must be focused on a topic within the scope of the Center for Heart and Vascular Research.
- Maximum amount of the award is $20,000, and is renewable for a second year upon satisfactory productivity.
- Award funds may be used to purchase research supplies or pay for UNMC core facility fees. Funds may not be used for salary.
- Funds will not be awarded directly to the applicant, but a cost center will be provided to the Financial Administrator designated by the applicant.
- Funds must be used within one year of award date.
- Investigator must acknowledge the award in any resulting publications.
- Investigator must report any resulting publications and grant applications to CHVR.
- Step 1: Clinical provider contacts Amy Biggerstaff ( to request a meeting (in person or Zoom) with Drs. Gundry and Pipinos. During this meeting, the provider presents a “pitch” that describes the need for research and potential impact on patient care.
- Step 2: Upon satisfactory recommendation following the oral presentation, Drs. Gundry and Pipinos will work with the applicant to identify a suitable collaborator or team of collaborators.
- Step 3: Once appropriate collaborators have been identified, the provider must submit a Provider Pitch Grant Application to Drs. Gundry and Pipinos. The format for the application and instructions are as follows
1. What is the clinical problem?
2. Why does research need to be pursued to address this problem? What is known vs. unknown in the clinical care of patients in this regard?
3. How will research in this area impact patient care in the future?
1. What specific research questions will the applicant pursue? What approaches will be used? Describe the availability of data and/or samples, models, equipment etc, necessary to complete the research.
2. Who is the basic or translational collaborator for the project? Provide a few sentences about their expertise.
3. Provide a general timeline for experiments
4. Describe plans for future grant applications that are based on preliminary data generated by this research. How will the outcomes of the research affect future studies?
Provide financial assistance to investigators who would benefit from accessing the services available for the three CHVR cores and CardioOmics Program.
- Eligibility: CHVR members in good standing
- Max Award Amount: $5,000
- Current application
Annual Retreat Poster Presentation and Publication Awards
Award best poster presenters at the annual CHVR research retreat. Members must include poster information in their RSVP for the retreat.
- Eligibility: CHVR members in good standing who present at the annual retreat
- Max Award Amount: $100
Award first authors of outstanding primary research manuscripts published in the previous calendar year.
- Eligibility: The first and/or last author of the manuscript must be a CHVR member in good standing. Manuscript must be published in a Quartile 1 ranked journal. CHVR members in good standing and present at the annual retreat.
- Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.
Professional Development
Provide funds to support summer students in research laboratories of faculty members.
- Eligibility: Hosting faculty member must be a CHVR member in good standing.
- Max Award Amount: $2,500 in salary support
- Current RFA: Pending
Funds for non-faculty members to attend scientific meetings.
- Eligibility: CHVR members in good standing who are presenting research findings as either a poster or oral presentation at the meeting.
- Max Award Amount: $1,000
- Current RFA: Pending
Support investigators wanting to incorporate new technology or model into their lab. Provides the opportunity to travel to other labs outside Nebraska to learn new techniques.
- Eligibility: CHVR member in good standing.
- Max Award Amount: TBD
- Current RFA: Pending
More information and applications can be found here.