University of Nebraska Medical Center


A group of people conversing in an event space.

The Center for Heart and Vascular Research welcomes members from across the University of Nebraska system, including students, staff, fellows, residents and faculty.


Membership Requirements

Please read membership requirements and update your MyNCBI Bibliography Profile before applying.

We are an inclusive center, welcoming students, postdocs, staff, residents, nurses and faculty from across the University of Nebraska system, Children's Nebraska and Nebraska Medicine.

  1. Demonstrate a commitment to the center's vision to advance an integrated program of basic, clinical and translational research related to cardiovascular medicine. This is demonstrated by actively engaging in heart and vascular research and attending center events.
  2. Share areas of expertise as mentors to junior faculty, trainees, and staff. (For senior members)
  3. Participate in ad hoc review committees of funding proposals of fellow members upon request. All  funding recipients agree to participate in future center award review panels.
  1. Join and actively participate in at least one focus group. (See Research Opportunities page for details)
  2. Attend the center's meetings, seminars, review committees, retreats and related activities as appropriate. It is expected that members will attend a minimum of five events per year. 
  3. List the center as an affiliation on all publications (manuscripts, reviews, book chapters), in oral/poster presentations, grant submissions and media announcements.
  4. Agree to maintain an updated MyNCBI Bibliography Profile. The MyNCBI Bibliography profile provides a centralized platform to track publications and funding. 
  5. Complete the center's annual survey to track grant submissions that result from center activities or funding, collaborative efforts with other members, mentoring, service-related, and community engagement activities.

To apply for CHVR membership, please email Amy Biggerstaff at abiggerstaff@unmc.edu.

Member Benefits

  • Access to research funding opportunities.
  • Access to research opportunities, including grant and fellowship writing workshops tailored for heart and vascular research and medicine, focus groups and the annual retreat.
  • Priority access on core services.
  • Access to philanthropic funds directed to center-specific efforts

Current Members

Last Name First Name Degree Department
Abdalla Maher  PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Acharya Arpan PhD Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Adediji Isaac  BS,MS Obstetrics and Gynecology
Adewumi Joy MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Ai Weilun MBBS,MS Internal Medicine - Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolism
Akbar  Anum  PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Akinuli Dorcas MS,BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Alimi Olawale MVS Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Allen Michael MS Health & Kinesiology
Al-Mugotir Mona PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology
Alonso Windy PhD,RN Nursing
Anderson Daniel MD,PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Anderson Cody BS Health & Kinesiology
Anderson Berry Ann MD,PhD Pediatrics
Andrabi Syed Muntazir PhD Surgery
Ayayee Paul PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bagher Pooneh PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Bailey Kristina MD Internal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Balas Michele PhD,RN Nursing
Barrett Christopher MD Surgery
Bartels Karsten  MD,PhD Anesthesiology
Basma Hesham PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Basu Soumi MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bhattarai Shaurav MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Bhyravbhatla Namita MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bidasee Keshore PhD Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Bilek Laura PhD Other
Bills Nathan PhD Surgery
Boesen Erika PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Brunette Katya PhD Surgery
Byrareddy  Siddappa PhD Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Challagundla  Kishore  PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Chand Subhash PhD Anesthesiology
Cheng Pi-Wan PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Chittezham Thomas Vinai PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Christensen Jason MD Pediatrics
Chromy Nicole  BS Epidemiology
Clemens Dahn PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Cook Leah PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Cook Jason MD,PhD Surgery
Dachepally Rashmitha MD Pediatrics
Dailey Kaitlin PhD Eppley Institute
Das Ashish MS Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Dash Prasanta PhD Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Davis John S. PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dhar Kajari PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Dhyani Neha PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Ding Ming MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dogiparthi Venkatasai Rahul BT Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Du Xiaoqing MS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Duan Bin PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Duryee Michael MS Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
Erol Muhammet Enes  MS Exercise Physiology, Bioenergetics
Estrella Luis Daniel BS Neurological Sciences
Fox Howard MD,PhD Neurological Sciences
Freel Colman BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Gandhi Devashri  MS Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Gao Lie MD,PhD Anesthesiology
Gawargi Flobater BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Ghanwatkar Yashwardhan PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Gilk Stacey PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Gillman Samuel  MS,BA Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Goeckel Megan MA Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Guda Chittibabu PhD Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Gundry Rebekah PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Gupta Ritika PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ha Ligyeom MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Hackfort Bryan PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Hahka Taija PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Hakim Ali MD Surgery
Halder Sushanta MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Hamel Frederick PhD Internal Medicine - Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolism
Hancock Friesen Camille MD Surgery
Harris Lynda PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology
Hayati Farzad PhD,DVM Surgery
Islam  Farhana  BS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Iverson Nicole PhD Biological Systems Engineering
Izard Jacques PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Jadidi Majid PhD Biomechanics
Jiang Haochen BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Johnson Tate MD Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
Kakalij Rahul PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Kalpana Marjina Akter PhD Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Kamra Kajal MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Kapoor Ekta MS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Karpuk Nikolay PhD Anesthesiology
Kattukandathil Pushpan Chithra PhD Surgery
Kehrberg Rachel BS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Khairnar Sakshi BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Khan Imran MD,PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Kim So-Youn PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kim SunYoung MD Surgery
Kim Kyushik MD,PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Konfrst Shelby BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Kosmach Anna BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Kowash Hager PhD,BS,MS Obstetrics and Gynecology
Krause Crystal PhD Surgery
Krishna Kumar Nivedeta  MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Kumari Neha BT Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lakshmaiah Narayana Jayaram PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Layec Gwenael PhD Health & Kinesiology
Lee Donghee PhD Surgery
Li Yulong MD,PhD Emergency Medicine
Li Shouqiang MD,PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Li Ling MD,PhD Pediatrics - Cardiology
Li (Juli) Guojuan MS Obstetrics and Gynecology
Liu Bo PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Lowes Brian MD,PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Lundgren Scott DO Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Ma Dezun PhD Surgery
Macke Amanda BS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
MacTaggart Jason MD Surgery
Mannon Roslyn MD Internal Medicine - Nephrology
Mauch Teri MD,PhD Pediatrics - Nephrology
Merani Shaheed  MD,PhD Surgery
Mesidor Roneldine BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Mikuls Ted  MD,MSPH Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
Mishra Paras Kumar  PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Mitchell Ray BFA Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Moulton Michael MD Surgery
Muniyan Sakthivel PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Naksuk Niyada MD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Nallasamy Palanisamy PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Natarajan Sathish Kumar PhD Nutrition & Health Sciences
Nguyen Nghi (Melody) BS Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Ochala Julien PhD Biomedical Sciences
Omar Delia MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Ortmann Laura MD Pediatrics - Critical Care
Pan Tianshu MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Pandey Kabita MS Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Panigrahi Sanjali MS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Park Song-Young PhD School of Health and Kinesiology
Park Garam MS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Patel Kaushik PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Patel Tapan PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Payne Jason MD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Peeples Eric MD,PhD Pediatrics
Pekas Elizabeth (Liz) PhD Non-profit medical affairs
Pipinos Iraklis MD Surgery
Pribil Sarah MS Anesthesiology
Rapoza Rebekah  BS Pediatrics
Rezaei Bookani  Kaveh MD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Rowland Sheri PhD,APRN Nursing
Saad Ahmed MD Internal Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Salomon Jeffrey MD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Sardarni Urvinder Kaur PhD Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Scheer Troy BS Nursing
Schieber Molly MS Surgery
Schultz Harold PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Schwab Aaron BA Internal Medicine - Allergy & Immunology
Shah Ashu PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Shahriar S M Shatil PhD Surgery
Shi Wei PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Shiffermiller Jason MD Internal Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Shrestha Prakash PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Siddique Aleem MBBS Surgery
Sileshi Rahel MD Epidemiology
Sinanan Kimberley BS Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Singh Amar PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Skupa Sydney BS Eppley Institute
Slotkowski Rebecca MD,PhD Pediatrics
Smith Audrey PhD Eppley Institute
So Wonmi PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sorenson Ryan BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Sorgen Paul PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Staller  Dalton PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Stoller Douglas MD,PhD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Subramanyan Ram Kumar MD,PhD Surgery
Sveeggen Timothy PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Sweeney Sarah BA,BS Pediatrics
Thiele Geoffrey M PhD Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
Thompson Maranda  PhD Pediatrics
Thorell William MD Neurosurgery
Tian Yuqian (Amy) MD Surgery
Tran Huy PhD Surgery
Trippier Paul PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Urban Marian MD,PhD Surgery
VanOrmer Matthew BS Pediatrics
Varadharaj Venkatesh PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Veerappa Avinash PhD Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
Viswanathan Saraswathi PhD Internal Medicine - Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolism
Waknitz Michelle BS Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Wang Hanjun MD Anesthesiology
Wang Dong PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Wang Chenlong PhD Surgery
Wang Guangshun  PhD Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Wardian Jana PhD Internal Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Windle John MD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Windle Thomas BS Center for Intelligence Health Care (CIHC)
Wojtkiewicz Melinda BS Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Xiao Yi BS,MBBS Eppley Institute
Xiaoqi Li MS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Xie Jingwei PhD Surgery
Xu Xiaoke PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Yadav Santosh PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Yao Qiuming PhD Computer Science
Yetman Anji MD Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Zimmerman Matthew PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology
Zimmerman Lani PhD,RN Nursing
Zucker Irving PhD Cellular and Integrative Physiology