University of Nebraska Medical Center

Meet the Director

Dr. Rebekah Gundry in a lab coat.

Rebekah Gundry, PhD, Stokes-Shakelford professor and chair of the UNMC Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, was appointed to the role of director of the UNMC Center for Heart and Vascular Research in 2022.

She is a scientist studying heart disease, one of the most common causes of death in Nebraska and worldwide. She believes the best way to combat this devastating disease is by bringing clinicians and scientists together to conduct research into its causes and find new cures. Researching the molecular, cellular, organ and system-level processes in health and disease will lead to improved prevention and treatment strategies.

Dr. Gundry leads a dynamic research group that exploits cutting-edge technologies to study the human heart. By developing and implementing novel technologies, they discover new insight that fuels understanding of disease processes and reveals untapped therapeutic targets.

As center director, her mission is to create a dynamic research hub that catalyzes cutting-edge interdisciplinary research to transform how we fight heart and vascular diseases.

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