University of Nebraska Medical Center

Research Resources

The Child Health Research Institute exists to foster pediatric research and to empower those that engage in it. We are the research arm of Children's Nebraska and the UNMC Department of Pediatrics.

From grant application guidance, to logistical study coordination, to publicizing results and achievements, we are there supporting our member investigators. 

We are also a resource for non-members interested in our efforts, including parents looking to enroll their children in our studies, philanthropic groups and individuals wanting to fund impactful pediatric research and public stakeholders seeking to use the findings of our investigators to ensure a healthier world for children. 

Valuable links

Pediatric Research Office Standard Operating Procedures: Non-enrolling Students

IRB: Tip Sheet

Additional Member Resources

Our member portal offers members an exclusive resource center to assist you in planning, funding, and carrying out studies.

Member Portal

How can we help?

Our institue exists to empower pediatric researchers, to foster connection among our members and community stakeholders and to broadcast news, opportunities and accomplishments among our cohort and to the greater community.