University of Nebraska Medical Center

Funding Opportunities

The Child Health Research Institute offers internal funding opportunities for its members as well as resources to connect members to other intramural and extramural funding resources.

Upcoming opportunities are regularly featured in our CHRI Research Bulletin, a monthly member and supporter newsletter. 

Categories available are:

  • CHRI Research Grants will be funded for a maximum of $50,000. The applicant must be a full CHRI member to apply.
  • CHRI Mini-Grants will be funded for a maximum of $15,000. The Mini-Grant is designed for small research studies, exploratory projects, etc. Full, associate and trainee members are eligible and encouraged to apply.
  • PCRG Research Grants will be funded based on the application’s requested amount and proposed budget. The applicant must be a CHRI member to apply (full, associate and trainee members). Affiliates are encouraged to collaborate with another member type. 

Investigators must complete the CHRI Grant Application and provide the required sections such as a research plan, significance to pediatrics and innovation of the research plan, future directions and resources and facilities.

National Institutes of Health Biosketches are required for principal investigators and co-investigators. Supplementary sections for animal or human subject research are required based on project. Guide to completing the application and templates for the required sections are available on the CHRI Member Portal (access is granted once membership is processed).

Applications for all CHRI grants will be accepted quarterly with the following deadlines: February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15 (deadlines are respected regardless of the day of the week they fall on, and applicants have until midnight on the deadline to submit).

Important: For studies requiring services from the Pediatric Research Office / involving human subjects, please submit your proposal, including budget/protocol, to matthew.vanormer@unmc.edu at least one week prior to the grant submission deadline for review.

Detailed instructions, forms and applications are found on our CHRI Member Portal. Access to the portal is granted once membership is formalized.

CHRI Health Outcome Grants

Calendar Year 2024 

This Request for Applications (RFA) supports the study of innovative strategies for identifying and improving health outcomes in children. 

We encourage applications on applications the seek to improve health outcomes in the area of pediatric cancer. Improving health outcomes in cancer is one of UNMC's primary goals. Improving pediatric cancer outcomes is a complex project, requiring larger teams with a variety of skills to identify novel strategies to address them.

AWARD DESCRIPTION: We anticipate two awards will be given, with one specifically focused on pediatric cancer. Awards will be for up to $50,000 for one year. A no-cost extension for a second year is possible.

ELIGIBILITY: All faculty who are full members of CHRI are eligible. Please email chri@unmc.edu for a membership application.


  • RFA announcement: Feb 1, 2024
  • Application submission: April 15, 2024, 5:00 PM
  • Notice of grant award: June 30, 2024

APPLICATION SUBMISSION: All applications must be submitted using the online CHRI Grant Application submission site. See the link there for the CHRI Grant Guide for specific application instructions, including budgetary limitations. 

CHRI members, please review the details of the RFA within the CHRI Member Portal. If you are not a CHRI member, email chri@unmc.edu for information.

CHRI Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) Pilot Grants

Academic Year 2024-2025

PURPOSE: Leveraging new resources to improve health outcomes in children is one of CHRI’s primary goals. This RFA supports the use of AI/ML in research to develop novel transformative strategies and computer automation to integrate, extract, and interpret data, (i.e., electronic health record data, socio-economic status, exposome, genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, microbiome, phenome) using data sets from pediatric and/or perinatal cohorts.

The investigative teams for this RFA are desired to be multi-disciplinary, leveraging CHRI, Children’s Nebraska and NU system expertise in AI/ML child health and informatics. Investigative teams will design/develop intelligent and innovative algorithms and novel AI/ML based computational strategies followed by application of the developed AI/ML tools to complex, heterogenous data sets pertinent to the population. This RFA strongly encourages collaboration coordination, data and resource exchange among researchers studying child health and collaboration with external institutions (government, academic or industry) is encouraged. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact CHRI staff and leadership to discuss their proposed projects.

Along with AI/ML proposals, we encourage applications that focus on pediatric cancer. Reducing health impacts in cancer is one of UNMC's primary goals. Advances in cancer are complex and the use of AI/ML and teams with a variety of skills to identify novel strategies to address them will be necessary to impact outcomes.

AWARD DESCRIPTION: We anticipate two awards will be given, with one specifically focused on pediatric cancer. Awards will be for up to $50,000 for one year. A no-cost extension for a second year is possible.

ELIGIBILITY: All faculty who are full members of CHRI are eligible. Please email chri@unmc.edu for a membership application.


  • RFA Announcement: Feb 1, 2024
  • Application submission: April 15, 2024, 5:00 PM
  • Notice of grant award: June 30, 2024

APPLICATION SUBMISSION: All applications must be submitted using the online CHRI Grant Application submission site. See the link there for the CHRI Grant Guide for specific application instructions, including budgetary limitations. 

CHRI Scholars Program

This is an institutionally funded competitive three-year program to support newly appointed junior faculty physician-scientists with resources, training, protected time and mentorship. The program is expected to implement growth in the number of funded physician-scientists while increasing scientific productivity and promoting career development.

Awarded CHRI-Scholars are enrolled in a three-year program. Scholars will be provided with up to 40% of their salary plus benefits per year up to the current NIH cap, plus $50,000/per year in operating expenses.

Eligibility: The program is designed for newly-appointed assistant professors (within three years of appointment at either UNMC or another university) with either a combined MD/PhD degree or an MD degree, with a record of substantial research experience. Applicants in the last year of fellowship who have been offered a UNMC faculty position are eligible. Preference is for assistant professors, but an instructor appointment is allowed (within three years of appointment). Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applicants are eligible if they have no previous NIH R01 or equivalent funding and are not on a currently mentored K award or a funded Center of Biomedical Research Excellence or IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence. Current and former PD/PIs of an NIH Small Grant (R03), Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21), Dissertation Award (R36), or SBIR/STTR (R41, R42, R43, R44) remain eligible.

Currently Not Accepting Applications.

Questions regarding this program may be directed to: chri@unmc.edu 

CHRI Scholars Application Template

For additional application process details, please ensure you are a CHRI member and visit our member portal.

The Current CHRI Scholars