University of Nebraska Medical Center

News and Events

screenshot of CHRI Bulletin feature Dr. R. Kate  Hyde


A significant advantage to membership in the Child Health Research Institute is access to regular communication regarding the latest research news, funding opportunities and sponsored events. Our primary mouthpiece is our Research Bulletin, which comes out monthly and profiles our members and their work. In addition to the Bulletin, we regularly send out reminders for upcoming events and relevant news.

posters from CHRI Research Forum


The Child Health Research Institute hosts yearly events to empower pediatric researchers to share their work, to form collaborations, to learn from one another and to hear from outside leaders in children's health and the factors that affect it. The following are the primary events that CHRI holds each year.

CHRI Research Bulletin

The CHRI Research Bulletin, sent out periodically by email, is aimed at informing investigators and other stakeholders about exciting developments and opportunities across the institute. You can sign up to receive the CHRI Research Bulletin using this link.