Membership Tiers
There are five tiers of membership: full, associate, affiliate, trainee and community. Requirements and benefits for the four investigator tiers are listed below.
The community tier of membership is for representatives from community organizations, foundations as well as patients and their families. Eligibility for this tier is based on the applicant’s interest in research and in helping CHRI make an impact locally. The application process is modified once this tier is selected on the form.
We hope you will consider joining the Child Health Research Institute and adding to the important research being done by our investigators.
Application Process
Membership is granted on a rolling basis; please allow two to four weeks for notification.
- Complete online profile
- CHRI leadership will review requests on monthly basis.
- Notice of approval/denial will be sent to requestor via email within 30 days or less of application.
- Membership list will be reviewed annually.
Membership Expectations
1. Actively participate in and/or support pediatric research and the pursuit of extramural funding.
2. Develop collaborations with other CHRI members at UNMC and other campuses.
3. Attend CHRI-sponsored seminars and symposia.
4. All UNMC Department of Pediatrics faculty should submit research projects through CHRI. All collaborative members should notify CHRI of their pediatric research projects so that this information may be included in reports to Children’s and UNMC leaders.
5. Use CHRI's shared resources and services as needed. Please be in communication with our grant writer and/or biostatistician with appropriate lead time to use their services for your project.
6. Accrue patients to clinical trials as appropriate.
7. Provide data as requested by CHRI regarding clinical trials, publications, abstracts and collaborative efforts.
Membership Levels
For information on the Community Tier of Membership, see the description at the top of the page.