Regina Idoate, PhD - Associate Professor
Area(s) of Emphasis:
Pediatric Cancer, Global Health, Health Services Policy & Population Health
Research Interests:
Native American, Indigenous, Maternal & Child Health, Pediatric Cancer, Education, Pediatric Asthma
Current Research Summary:
I am MPI on a National Cancer Institute-funded research education training program for Native American youth. In this role, I develop culturally relevant cancer education curriculum (see Pediatric Cancer e-module, engage community in cancer education outreach activities and develop and deliver cancer research experiences to youth in middle school, high school and undergraduates. I am serving as co-investigator on multiple maternal and child heath research studies. I am also mentor to doctoral student Aislinn Rookwood and supporting pediatric environmental health research in collaboration with Omaha Healthy Housing and stakeholders who are addressing pediatric asthma. I am co-investigator on the following pediatric focused research studies: Readiness and Education for American Indian Maternal and Child Health (RE-AIM) Developing and Piloting a Framework for Indigenous Centered Pregnancy Care Parent-Child Interactions and Parent Reported Stress among Parents of Infants and Toddlers with Congenital Heart Disease Before and After a Community-Based Music Program I am PI on the following pediatric focused research study: NIH R25 Research Education Grant: Ignite-Engage-Sustain: a comprehensive approach to motivate, involve, educate, and mentor Native American students and their communities in cancer prevention, treatment, and research