University of Nebraska Medical Center

Genetics, Development, Exposures & Injuries

speaker talking at conference in front of the audience

The Genetics, Development, Exposures and Injuries area of emphasis encompasses a wide range of fields, including genetics and genomics, maternal-fetal medicine, neonatology, surgery, developmental medicine and neurology and environmental medicine.

  • Seeking earlier diagnosis and more effective therapies for genetic syndromes
  • Understanding the short- and long-term effects of fetal and early life exposures to harmful chemicals (e.g. lead, smoke, illicit drugs) and investigating novel and effective interventions to decrease exposures
  • Decreasing rates of prematurity through interventions targeting mothers at high risk for premature delivery and improving the outcomes of those infants born prematurely through collaboration between investigators in obstetrics and neonatology
  • Improving the outcomes of all infants and children by focusing on early intervention and developmental care
  • Innovating the future of fetal surgeries and interventions
  • Exploring fetal and neonatal central nervous system (CNS) developmental processes and developing novel interventions to improve the lives of those infants suffering from brain injuries and other alterations in CNS development

If you are a CHRI member and would like to join the Genetics, Development, Exposures & Injuries area of emphasis, please email chri@unmc.edu.


Associate Professor, Division of Neonatology

Eric Peeples, MD, PhD

Professor, Division of Inherited Metabolic Diseases

William B. Rizzo, MD
Mohan Krishnan, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Mohan Krishnan, PhD
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