Membership Guidelines
While visiting the Center for Healthy Living, we expect our members to adhere to building guidelines which are designed to reduce the chance of injury. If you have questions regarding these guidelines please contact us.
COVID-19 Policy
We ask everyone to abide by the following guidelines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of privileges.
- Please leave the area as you found it. Wipe down any equipment you have used. Signs will be displayed on some machines to indicate if they have been disinfected or not.
General Guidelines
- The enter reserves the right to cancel memberships if any of these guidelines are not followed.
- To ensure a comfortable atmosphere for all, please be courteous and respectful to other members and center staff.
- All users of our facility must check in at the front desk. Students, employees and members must have their IDs to check in at the center.
- Prior to using the equipment, read warning and instruction placards on each machine.
- Return all equipment to their appropriate area when finished.
- If you are unsure how to use a machine, seek assistance from center staff.
- Report any piece of equipment that is not functioning properly to the front desk. Do not attempt to use, move, or fix any piece of equipment that is not functioning properly.
- The center is not responsible for any injury which may result from the use of any equipment.
- Safeguard your belongings. The center is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
- No food or beverages (except water) are allowed in the center. Water bottles must have a resealable lid.
- The center takes no responsibility for loss of any personal items.
Wear appropriate attire (no cutoffs, sandals, or bare feet). Shirts and shoes must be worn in the facility at all times.
Exceptions include:
- Men are not required to wear shirts while playing basketball and women are allowed to wear sports bras without wearing shirts over them.
- Shoes are not required to be worn during yoga classes.
Cardio & Weight Room
- Limit your time on the machines to 20—30 minutes when others are waiting.
- Return and rack weights when you are finished using them. Do not drop weights on the floor.
- Pick up personal effects (towels, water bottle, magazines, etc.).
- Wipe down equipment when exercise is completed.
- Chalk is not to be used in our facility.
- Equipment should be used for the purpose it was intended for only.
- Equipment is not to be removed from the center.
- Participants who lift free weights should have a spotter.
- Matrix Power Racks can be set up to be self-spotting & stops should be correctly adjusted on the plate-loaded machines.
If you have any questions regarding the safe use of any equipment, please ask the front desk.
Activity Courts
- Only non-marking, indoor athletic shoes are allowed on the courts.
- Spitting is permitted in the cuspidor only.
- No dunking.
- No grasping/hanging on the basketball goals, nets or boards.
- No gum or tobacco products are allowed.
- Return all balls to racks when finished.
- Do not sit on the balls.
- Be considerate of people using the track – do not practice or keep personal belongings on the track.
Commons/Table Tennis Area
- Bags, coats and water bottles should not be placed on the table tennis tables or stretching machines.
- Do not sit on tables.
- Return paddles and balls to racks.
- Do not hit the table with the paddles.
- Report any damaged equipment to the front desk.
Fitness Classrooms
- Return all equipment to the appropriate area when finished and not in use.
- Return workout CDs to the front desk.
Locker Rooms
- Return towels to the front desk.
- Clean up after yourself.
Children 13 and younger
- Children 13 years and under are not allowed in the fitness classrooms, common area, cardio area or weight area of the center. They may use the gymnasium under parental supervision.
- Admission is free but children must have direct parental supervision at all times.
- Children are NOT allowed on any equipment and may not climb or jump on furniture.
- Failure to comply could result in membership cancellation.
Children 14 and older
- Children ages 14 and over have full access to the facility with a paid membership or guest fee.
- Children over 14 do not need parental supervision.