Clinical Research Education

Clinical Research Center is dedicated to providing education and training opportunities to the UNMC/NM research community. The CRC will host monthly educational workshops with various topics to include Regulatory, Clinical Operations, Finances, etc. Upcoming workshop dates are provided below. To sign up please email the workshop(s) and dates that you would like to attend to

CRC Hosted Monthly Education


Workshop Dates

Workshop: Date & Time:
CRC Services 

May 2nd @ 11:00am

July 3rd @ 1:00pm

September 3rd @ 11:00am

November 4th @ 10:00am

Navigating the CRC Website

*Upon Request

Study Intake

 May 6th @ 11:00am

June 3rd @ 11:00am

July 5th @ 11:00am

August 6th @ 11:00am

September 5th @ 9:00am

October 2nd @ 9:00am

November 6th @ 9:00am

December 3rd @ 9:00am

Institutional Requirements

May 7th @ 1:00pm

July 10th @ 1:00pm

September 10th @ 11:00am

November 8th @ 11:00am

CRC Clinic Orientation

April 8th @ 10:00am

June 5th @ 12:00pm

August 8th @ 11:00am

October 7th @ 11:00am

December 5th @ 11:00am

Coverage Analysis, Budgeting,

Research Pricing

 May 10th @ 11:00am

(Budget & Research Pricing)

June 7th @ 11:00am

(Coverage Analysis)

July 12th @ 11:00am

(Budget & Research Pricing)

August 14th @ 11:00am

(Coverage Analysis) 

September 12th @ 11:00am

(Budget & Research Pricing)

October 9th @ 11:00am

(Coverage Analysis)

November 11th @ 11:00am

(Budget & Research Pricing)

December 10th @ 11:00am

(Coverage Analysis)

Billing Grid & NM Research Billing

 May 14th @ 1:00pm

June 11th @ 1:00pm

July 16th @ 1:00pm

August 14th @ 1:00pm

September 16th @ 11:00am

October 11th @ 11:00am

November 13th @ 11:00am

December 12th @ 11:00am

Regulatory Coordination

 May 17th @ 11:00


June 14th @ 11:00am


July 17th @ 11:00am


August 15th @ 11:00am


September 18th @ 11:00


October 15th @ 11:00am


November 15th @ 11:00am


December 16th @ 11:00am


New Hire Checklist


*Upon Request


Entering Research Orders in


 May 21st @ 1:00pm

July 23rd @ 1:00pm

September 20th @ 11:00am

November 18th @ 11:00am

Clinic Feasibility

 April 17th @ 1:00pm

June 18th @ 1:00pm

August 20th @ 1:00pm

October 17th @ 11:00am 

December 19th @ 11:00am

Research Monitor Access

(Coordinator Perspective)

 May 24th @ 11:00pm

June 21st @ 11:00am

July 26th @ 11:00am

August 22nd @ 1:00pm

September 24th @ 1:00pm

October 21st @ 11:00am

November 21st @ 11:00am

December 27th @ 11:00am

Clinical Trial Finance Education

(CTMS & Invoicing)

April 29th @ 11:00am

June 28th @ 11:00am

August 29th @ 1:00pm

October 24th @ 1:00pm

December 30th @ 11:00am


Workshop Descriptions

CRC Services: A general overview of all services offered by the Clinical Research Center as well as space and equipment offerings. 

Navigating the CRC Website: A brief walkthrough of the updated CRC website, associated pages and helpful information.

Study Intake: A review of the centralized intake process to triage and streamline study start-up activities. 

Institutional Requirements: An overview of the institutional requirements required by the Office of Regulatory Affairs. Requirements will vary based on study design and can include committee reviews, institutional signoffs and administrative reviews.

CRC Clinic Orientation: An overview of the Clinical Research Center Clinics, the services provided, SOPs and tips for success.

Coverage Analysis, Budgeting, Research Pricing: Coverage analysis is a systematic process that determines the Medicare qualifying status of a clinical trial and determines which items are billable to insurance. Budgeting provides education and tools regarding how budgets are developed, prices are determined and tips when negotiating with sponsors.

Billing Grid & NM Research Billing: An overview of research billing roles performed in CTMM (Clinical Trial Master Matrix) and CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System) and explains the role of research billing from a billing compliance standpoint. Participants will be given tips and resources for successful subject visit linking in EPIC and documentation in CTMS. 

Regulatory Coordination: An overview of regulatory activities and requirements at start-up, during maintenance and at closure of a clinical trial. The monthly topic will rotate between Start-up, Maintenance and Closure.

New Hire Checklist: An overview of the CRC new hire checklist with required and recommended training opportunities for all research staff.

Entering Research Orders in OneChart: A review of the process for entering orders in OneChart for CRC specific clinical services, a demonstration and helpful tips.

Clinic Feasibility: An overview of the process CRC clinical staff use for reviewing feasibility of studies requesting CRC clinical services.

Research Monitor Access (Coordinator Perspective): This presentation will provide an overview on research monitor access including how to request IT support and helpful hints.

Clinical Trial Finance Education (CTMS & Invoicing): A detailed review of activities performed while executing financial tasks on clinical trials. Education will be focused on the various applications required to identify all applicable research costs and recovery through sponsor invoicing. 


Training Documents


Additional Education

The training requirements vary by role.