University of Nebraska Medical Center

Presenting at the Forum


Oral Presentation

  1. You will be given 15 minutes at the podium — 12 minutes will be allotted for the presentation and 3 minutes for the question/answer portion.

  2. Your presentation must be in PowerPoint format and tested for use on a PC-based system. There is no availability for an Apple computer input.

  3. You must provide the MSBRF audiovisual technician with your presentation on a PC formatted USB flash drive prior to the start of your session.

  4. As a courtesy to the other presenters in your assigned session, you are required to be present for the entire duration of your designated session.

  5. No personal laptops will be allowed.

  6. Each presentation will be reviewed by three separate judges.


Poster Presentation


  1. The poster display size is 72” (wide) by 48” (tall). Oversized posters will not be allowed.
  2. The title of the poster, the name of the participant, and the location at which the research was performed should appear at the top of the display in a space at least 8" high. The entire title should be capitalized.
  3. Illustrations should be professionally done. Hand-drawn figures are strongly discouraged.
  4. A foam poster board, easel, and abstract number will be provided for your presentation by the Forum. Posters are to be attached to the boards with pushpins. The pushpins and tacks are your responsibility. No paste, glue, staples, or tape are to be used.
  5. The AM poster setup will be from 8:30-9:30 a.m. The PM poster setup will be between 12-1:30 p.m.  All posters must be taken down by the end of the Forum.
  6. Judges will circulate through the poster sessions during the forum. The morning session will be from 9:30-11:30 a.m. The afternoon session will be from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Posters will be judged on their adherence to the stated guidelines, content clarity, and the ability of the researcher to handle questions. Each poster will be reviewed by three separate judges.
  7. As a courtesy to the other presenters in your assigned session, you are required to be present for the entire duration of your designated session.