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University of Nebraska Medical Center

TechTok: The Latest in Closed-Loop Systems with Insulin Pumps and Advanced Features

TechTok: The Latest in Closed-Loop Systems with Insulin Pumps and Advanced Features


Certified Diabetes Educator/Insulin Pump Specialist, The Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, Nebraska Medicine

Method of Participation

  • Review the entire activity.
  • Complete the post-test and evaluation.
  • Print your certificate. 

This activity will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

Module Information

Learning Objective

Upon completion of this enduring material module, participants should be better able to:

  1. Explain the pros and cons of utilizing a hybrid closed-loop system.
  2. Differentiate between the various hybrid closed-loop systems.
  3. Assess patient safety and outcomes when a hybrid closed-loop system is utilized.
  4. Detail strategies for teaching patients to maximize safety and outcomes with hybrid closed-loop systems.
  5. Discuss the different types of pump reports for hybrid closed-loop systems.