Advancing Biological Risk Management Capacities of Private Diagnostic Human and Animal Laboratories in Egypt

Training Dates and Topics
You are required to attend ALL 13 weekly sessions, every Saturday, beginning 9 September through 2 December 2023, from 19:00 to 20:30 Cairo Local Time.
09 September |
16 September | Module 1: Introduction to Biorisk Management Ghaya AlWahdanee, BSc, MSc |
23 September | Module 2: Identify and Protect Sensitive Biological Materials Corey Meyer, PhD; Beth Crawford, BS, MS; and Kelli Wagner, MPH, MSN, RN |
30 September | Module 3: Biological Risk Assessment (1 and 2) Ghaya AlWahdanee, BSc, MSc |
7 October | Module 4: Biological Risk Mitigation Ali Asy, BVM, MSc, PhD |
14 October | Module 5: Biological Risk Performance Ghaya AlWahdanee, BSc, MSc |
21 October | Module 6: Risk Groups and Biosafety Levels – Biocontainment (BSL 1, 2, 3, 4) VBM Ghaya AlWahdanee, BSc, MSc |
28 October | Module 7: Introduction to Laboratory Biosecurity Ali Asy, BVM, MSc, PhD |
4 November | Module 8: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Ali Asy, BVM, MSc, PhD |
11 November | Module 9: Decontamination Ali Asy, BVM, MSc, PhD |
18 November | Module 10: Biological Waste Disposal Ali Asy, BVM, MSc, PhD |
25 November | Module 11: Enhancing and Knowing Your Collaborator Capacities Corey Meyer, PhD; Beth Crawford, BS, MS; and Kelli Wagner, MPH, MSN, RN |
2 December | Final: Wrap-Up and Conclusions* Wael ElRayes, MBBCh, PhD, MS, FACHE |
* No continuing education credit provided
How to Join the Training
There is no fee to participate in this training. However, registration is required. Follow the steps below.
1. Register
- If you have never registered for a CME-accredited activity provided by the UNMC Center for Continuing Education, you will need to create an account in order to register for this training.
A valid email address is required to create your account.
If you encounter a problem while creating your account, please review this document.
If you continue to have problems creating your account, please contact our registration office via email.
- Once you have created your MyCCE Account, click on the link below to register for the training.
- After you submit your registration, you will receive a confirmation email from the UNMC Center for Continuing Education. This email will contain information on how you can access the Zoom webinar. If you do not see this email in your Inbox, please check your junk email folder. If you still do not see the message, please send an email to Jackie Farley.
- You have until 14 September 2023 to register for this training.
2. Attend the training sessions via Zoom.
You are required to attend ALL 13 weekly sessions, every Saturday, beginning 9 September through 2 December 2023, from 19:00 to 20:30 Cairo Local Time.
The link to access the Zoom webinar is in your registration confirmation email.
3. Complete the pre-test, post-test, and evaluation.
- Pre-Test
Beginning Wednesday, 13 September, the link to the week's module pre-test will be sent to you via email. You will have until 16:00 CLT on the day of the session to complete this test. - Post-Test and Evaluation
Beginning Saturday, 16 September, at 22:30 CLT, the link to the post-test and evaluation will be sent to you via email. You will have until the following Tuesday at 16:00 CLT, about four days, to complete the test and evaluation. - Final Wrap-Up Evaluation
After the last session on 2 December, the link to the required final evaluation will be sent via email. Once you complete this evaluation, you will be able to generate your training certificate.
You have until 13 December 2023 to complete the final evaluation and claim continuing education credit for this training.
Training Director
Faculty, Department of Health Services Research and Administration; Co-Director, Center for Global Health and Development; Director, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region; Fulbright Scholar Liaison, College of Public Health, UNMC

Educational Projects Coordinator, UNMC Center for Continuing Education

This training is supported by a federal grant from the Department of State. Grant ID SISNCT23CA0013