University of Nebraska Medical Center

Journal Club Schedule

Machine Learning

For 2022-2023, the meetings will be held on every alternate Friday from 3 PM to 4 PM.

Zoom link: https://unmc.zoom.us/j/98534298039?pwd=NnlpWEFBL1lvUGFFN2laOG55amF5Zz09&from=addon 

  Speaker Date Paper/Title Room

Wan, Shibiao


Robust integration of multiple single-cell RNA sequencing datasets using a single reference space


2 Shakyawar, Sushil  12/16/2022 NEMO: cancer subtyping by integration of partial multi-omic data  6003
3 Patel, Jai  1/13/2023 Deep learning-based ovarian cancer subtypes identification using multi-omics data  6003
4 Chakraborty, Rajashree   2/10/2023

Depression and suicide risk prediction models using blood-derived multi-omics data

5 Sethi, Sahil 2/24/2023 Comparing machine learning algorithms for predicting COVID-19 mortality 6003
6  Guda, Babu  3/10/2023 Leveraging explainable AI for gut microbiome-based colorectal cancer classification  6003
7 Goonesekere, Nalin  3/24/2023 Deep graph representations embed network information for robust disease marker identification  6003
8 Sajja, Balasrinivasa  4/7/2023

Sybil: A Validated Deep Learning Model to Predict Future Lung Cancer Risk From a Single Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography | Journal of Clinical Oncology (ascopubs.org)

9 Avuthu, Nagavardhini   4/21/2023 Multimodal deep learning applied to classify healthy and disease states of human microbiome  6003
10 Jagadesan, Sankarasubramanian  5/19/2023 Massive metagenomic data analysis using abundance-based machine learning  6003
11 Manavalan, Sujith 06/02/2023 Explainable AI reveals changes
in skin microbiome composition
linked to phenotypic differences