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Non-Academic Policies and Procedures

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Non-Academic Policies and Procedures

Use of Student Addresses for Commercial Purposes

The release of student names, addresses and other information for commercial (sales or sales promotional) purposes is prohibited except in the case of approved services to students that are of benefit to both the University and the student, e.g., mailings to students to offer the optional inpatient insurance program.

Companies and others desiring to announce or promote products and/or services or to offer items for sale or promotion to CAHP students may provide items or information about such items for “blind” distribution to students through CAHP Academic & Student Affairs. Such items might be personalized with the student name, and names may be provided to the company or concern at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Allied Health Professions. (An example of such an item might be nameplates provided to graduating pharmacy students.) Items or information may contain a response card through which the student may elect to provide personal information to the commercial concern.

Nothing in this policy shall conflict with the University’s right to release appropriate information on individual students as provided for in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as outlined in the UNMC Student Handbook.

Sale of Names and Addresses for Fundraising

A list of student names and addresses may not be sold by individuals, classes, or other groups for the purposes of fundraising.

Student Fundraising Activities

All student fundraising activities connected in any way with any program of the College of Allied Health Professions must receive advance approval from the appropriate program director. Students must make their requests for approval in writing.

Fundraising activities may be conducted for the benefit of a group (class, student organization, etc.) but not for benefit of any individual. UNMC personnel will not be responsible for soliciting sales of items or otherwise promoting student fundraising activities.

  1. For each fundraising event, at least one student chairperson will be designated to oversee the organization and problems related to the event.
  2. The student chairperson must immediately notify the appropriate program director of any problems related to the activity. Students are expected to assume responsibility for any problems, under advisement from the program director. Programs are not responsible for lost or stolen items or funds involved in the activity.
  3. Students must follow all UNMC policies and procedures related to promotion and conduct of fundraising activities.
  4. Students may not solicit funds from patients or patients’ families.
  5. If activities are conducted on any of the University of Nebraska campuses, including The Nebraska Medical Center, students must comply with UNMC Policy No. 6072 “Space Scheduling”.

Students Hosting Career Fairs

Students must seek approval through appropriate CAHP administrative channels prior to hosting a career fair. Students must draft and send through channels the following:

  1. A letter addressed to the Assistant Dean for Academic & Student Affairs explaining the students’ plans for the purpose, dates, location, cost, key student contact person, and projected arrangements. (Note: a faculty advisor must be present during any career fair.)
  2. A sample letter which explains to potential career fair applicants the appropriate information including, at a minimum, the purpose, identification of sponsoring student group, dates, location, cost, projected number of persons attending, deadline for responding, and return confirmation form.

The Assistant Dean for Academic & Student Affairs will disapprove the activity, recommend modifications in the plans or approve the proposal. If the Assistant Dean for Academic & Student Affairs approves the plan, he or she will forward the letters to the Dean, College of Allied Health Professions, for approval. When the Dean has approved the proposal, it will be sent on through further administrative channels. Students may not proceed with any career fair plans until approval has been reached at top UNMC administrative levels.

Student Employment

Students requiring employment shall be encouraged to enter work situations consistent with their academic level, skills, and schedules.

  1. Students may work additional hours outside the normal education program for remuneration, provided that the student continues to maintain satisfactory performance in the educational program.
  2. Students may seek employment on the UNMC campus.
  3. A student’s work schedule shall not interfere with classes or clinical assignments.
  4. Students will be discouraged from employment that would otherwise be held by a person who has completed the program in which the student is enrolled or its equivalent.
  5. The program director may recommend reduction in or termination of employment for a student who demonstrates decreased performance or whose work schedule conflicts with attendance in the educational program.

Personal Use of Facilities and Equipment

Individual programs may determine conditions under which students may borrow or purchase departmental equipment or supplies, and situations in which students may use departmental telephones and other facilities.

Generally, students are encouraged to make use of public-access services, such as public telephones and the library’s photocopy machines. Program-specific policies and procedures may be found in the program-specific sections.

Handling of Institutional Property

The CAHP programs make use of much sophisticated and costly equipment. This and all property of the institutions in which students are trained must be handled carefully. Individual programs and institutions may develop policies and procedures appropriate to their particular situations.

In all cases, students known to operate or handle institutional property roughly or inappropriately will be subject to disciplinary measures as determined by the program in which they are enrolled.

Employment Resources for Students

Employment activities are the responsibility of the CAHP programs. This policy does not limit the employment services that the CAHP may provide to the students. It is intended to be a minimal guide permitting each academic program to further develop employment activities that best fit the needs of the students.

  1. Each program will have one office or person designated as the coordinator of employment activities for that academic unit.
  2. The coordinator of employment activities for each academic unit will be assigned the responsibility of coordinating employer visits to campus, career/placement days, and related activities for that academic program.
  3. Students are to be provided opportunities for instruction and assistance in employment activities before graduation. Examples of employment activities may be résumé development, interviewing skills, developing references, application procedures and other activities appropriate for that academic discipline. Such assistance may be offered through course work, workshops, or other methods.
  4. Students are to be provided opportunities for obtaining information on employment and position openings in their academic disciplines.
  5. Records of employment or placement rates of graduates are to be maintained by each academic program as may be required by federal regulations and accreditors.

Student Travel

The term “travel” is defined as an absence from the campus during normal work or instructional schedules for the purpose of conducting University business. All travel must be authorized in advance. Student travel will be approved by the program in which the student is enrolled. The program is responsible for making appropriate arrangements for travel authorization and reimbursement, where applicable.

  1. A request for Travel Authorization (TA) is required for all travel involving University business functions, even when no University expense is involved. A separate TA is required for each trip involving air transportation and for all out-of-state travel, including travel by state vehicle.
  2. A TA is required for all student travel; however, no student may travel under blanket authority except to fill roles as members of the Board of Regents or University-approved committees. A student travel group may be included on a single TA or in instances where no individual travel expenses will be filed.
  3. Prospective travelers are asked to consider the required amount of time needed to secure the necessary approval and to allow 8-10 working days from initiation of the request to final approval.

New Organizations

Students who wish to form new organizations must receive permission. For details on starting a new organization at UNMC, refer to the UNMC Student Handbook.


Students must complete compliance modules on various safety-related topics, and are responsible for adhering to all UNMC Safety & Security Policies. Safety-related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General Safety
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Radiation Safety
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Biohazardous Waste
  • Universal Waste
  • Infection Control
  • Utility Management
  • Medical Equipment
  • Incident Reporting

Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials

From time to time, students in the College of Allied Health Professions may use photocopied materials to supplement study and other required activities. Generally, students are free to make copies, provided they follow the broad guidelines outlined below:

  1. For personal use, make a single copy of a copyrighted work.
  2. For distribution to a class, make no more than one copy per student, and the copy becomes the student’s property. A copyright notice must appear on the first page of the material.

When making copies, students are encouraged to follow Fair Use guidelines, which can be obtained by contacting the McGoogan Library of Medicine. The library has developed a library guide titled, “Copyright/ Plagiarism: Guide to help you learn more about Copyright, Fair Use, and Plagiarism.” This guide is available on the library’s website.