🛈 Note: policy and procedure locations have changed.

For CAHP policies and procedures, please refer to the UNMC catalog.

For program-specific policies and procedures, please refer to the Program-Specific Handbooks.

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== Admission Policies & Procedures in the CAHP ==
=== Acceptable Transfer Credit and Course Requirements ===
As directed by The University of Nebraska Board of Regents, credit hours presented for transfer by applicants will be recorded by the University and be made a part of the student’s permanent University record.
The applicability of transferred credit to entrance and degree requirements or petitions for advanced standing is determined by the program through the admissions committee on an individual basis after all necessary applications materials have been submitted. Each program within the College of Allied Health Professions reserves the right to accept or reject any transfer hours and to determine how transfer credits apply toward the specific degree awarded by each program.
''Credits must be earned at a regionally-accredited institution of higher learning or have prior approval by the program.''
Please note that applicants to the College of Allied Health Professions must complete the minimum number of hours of specific college prerequisite courses required by their anticipated program of study '''prior to enrollment''' in the program.
Specific college prerequisite coursework for each program of study can be found on [http://unmc.edu/alliedhealth/education/index.html each program’s website].
Remedial courses will not be recognized, even though credit may have been awarded, since these courses are considered to be pre-college level.
It is emphasized that even though coursework may transfer, each CAHP program of study is the final authority on how these courses and credits apply toward the degree that the program awards. Each CAHP academic program reserves the right to evaluate applicability of credits older than 5 years. Transfer credits are recorded with no grade or quality points assigned. However, all grades from previous coursework will be considered for admission purposes.
=== Credit by Examination ===
Students who believe they are prepared to pass an examination covering content in prerequisite courses are encouraged to do so as long as they do not surpass the maximum number of credit by examination hours that will be accepted. '''The maximum number of credit by examination hours that will be accepted for transfer is determined by each program.''' The most commonly used methods of obtaining credit by examination are as follows:
'''Advanced Placement Program (APP)'''
College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Program examinations are used to grant college credit to talented high College students completing college-level study in high College. APP hours awarded by other institutions are transferrable for enrolled students by submitting an official college transcript. Each CAHP program of study will determine if credit hours earned by APP examinations will be accepted in the math and sciences, or will only be used to satisfy elective course requirements. APP credit will count towards required hours from a baccalaureate degree-granting institution, if applicable.
'''College Level Examination Program (CLEP)'''
CLEP Subject and General Exams are recognized at UNMC for students who apply for admission and complete enrollment. CLEP hours appearing on the transcripts of other institutions are not honored for transfer. Official score reports must be submitted to the institution before credit can be awarded.
'''Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)'''
DANTES exams provide opportunities for military personnel to continue their education while on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States. DANTES hours appearing on the transcripts of other institutions are not honored for transfer. Official score reports must be submitted to the institution before credit can be awarded.
=== American Council on Education (ACE) Recommendations ===
Currently enrolled students and new applicants submitting official records of service College are awarded credit as directed by the Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services. Many service Colleges are not identified as “collegiate” in nature and credit is not awarded. Hours for collegiate Colleges are recorded on the student’s permanent military record. There is no requirement for a score other than endorsement by the ACE guide and an official record of completion of the service College.
Education experience hours appearing on the transcripts of other institutions are not accepted for transfer. The applicant must submit an official Joint Services Transcript (JST). Each CAHP program of study will determine if credit hours earned in the Armed Services will be accepted in the math and sciences, or will only be used to satisfy the elective course requirements.
=== [http://unmc.edu/alliedhealth/education/non-us-coursework.html Non-US Coursework Requirements] ===
=== [http://unmc.edu/alliedhealth/education/english-proficiency.html English Proficiency Requirement] ===


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