🛈 Note: policy and procedure locations have changed.

For CAHP policies and procedures, please refer to the UNMC catalog.

For program-specific policies and procedures, please refer to the Program-Specific Handbooks.

Student Success and Academic Standing: Difference between revisions

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Students must successfully complete all program requirements and required courses with final grades deemed satisfactory as defined by the program, and as satisfactory completion is defined in the course syllabus when relevant.
Students must successfully complete all program requirements and required courses with final grades deemed satisfactory as defined by the program, and as satisfactory completion is defined in the course syllabus when relevant.
A student-initiated disruption in academic progression may result from the following actions:
# Personal Leave of Absence – A Personal Leave of Absence may be requested in writing from the student to the Program Director. A request for a Personal Leave of Absence for documented medical or ADA reasons may not be denied. If the Personal Leave of Absence request not related to a documented medical or ADA reason is denied, the Program Director will first consult with the CAHP Primary Conduct Officer. If the Personal Leave of Absence is approved, the Program Director, or program committee, must provide a plan of study to be followed on return to the program, including a specified timeline of activities, and a deadline for satisfactory completion of the plan. The Proposal for Return must include any administrative actions that should accompany this change of status, including consultation with financial aid for financial implications of taking a leave of absence; Notice of the date by which the student must provide to the Program Director and the CAHP Director of Enrollment Management written Notice of Intent to Return to the program; and a plan of study to be completed upon the student’s return to the program, noting if the student will be placed on a decelerated plan of study upon return, specifying the student’s academic standing at the time of return. The date by which the student will return to the program must be communicated at least three weeks prior to the start of the agreed upon semester of return.
# Withdrawal –The student must consult with the Program Director regarding the decision to withdraw prior to submitting a written Request for Withdrawal. The student must request a withdrawal in writing to the Program Director and the CAHP Director of Enrollment Management. Withdrawn is a final status. Notation of Withdrawn will appear on the student’s academic transcript with the date that the withdrawal is effective. In the case of a student-initiated withdrawal, the student is eligible to reapply to the program.

=== Section III – Responses to Violations of the Standards ===
=== Section III – Responses to Violations of the Standards ===


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