Mentoring Program

Our mentoring program will provide guidance and support to undergraduate and graduate level students seeking licensed behavioral health careers in Nebraska. Students will be paired with mentors currently licensed and practicing mental health professionals. Monthly activities and mentoring opportunities will occur between mentors and mentees for one academic year generally from September to May.
BHECN is looking for licensed mental behavioral health practitioners to serve as mentors in Nebraska. Mentors will span across Nebraska cities, towns, private and public entities, and varied behavioral health professions at the licensure level (e.g. LHMP, LIMHP, psychiatrist, counselors).
Target Student Demographic
Mentees will be undergraduate and graduate level students pursuing behavioral health degrees with the goal of licensure in Nebraska. Students seeking to be paired with a mentor can span across all undergraduate and graduate institutions in Nebraska with a behavioral health program that they are attending.
Applications will only be accepted through the official application platform during the timeframes indicated on the platform’s homepage. Applications submitted before or after the indicated timeframes will not be considered.
Matches will begin in August 2024, with final matches made by Sept. 30, 2024. Mentoring can commence immediately after a match is made.
Match/Mentoring Activities
Mentors and mentees are expected to meet or interact once a month between September to May. This could be through Zoom, phone, or in-person. Activities can include meeting for coffee, lunch, or a mentoring phone call or Zoom. Activities should remain professional with a continued focus on the mentor and mentee dynamic. Opportunities for job and work shadowing may also be arranged when appropriate and possible. BHECN will also provide nominal stipends to all mentors to support their monthly gatherings with their mentee and the occasional associated costs (e.g. lunch, coffee, mileage). These stipends will be processed at the end of the Fall and Spring semester.

Roger Garcia, DMin, MPA, MTS
Associate Director of Recruitment & Retention, BHECN