University of Nebraska Medical Center

Lifelong Learning Fund


The BHECN Lifelong Learning Fund (LLF) provides support for three categories of professional development:

  • Student development and training
  • Behavioral health practitioner (provisionally or fully licensed) professional development opportunities
  • Statewide training events

Applications for the Lifelong Learning Fund will be accepted three times a year.

Student Development and Training Opportunities (and associated budget caps):

  • Conference (e.g., meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium) - $2,000
  • Training, Workshop, and/or Certification (e.g., coordinated program, course, or curriculum aimed to improve individual performance) - $1,500
  • Test preparation materials (e.g., licensure exam or board certification materials) - $250
  • Educational project - $1,500

Behavioral Health Practitioner (provisionally or fully licensed) Development Opportunities (and associated budget caps):

  • Conference (e.g., meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium) - $2,000
  • Training (e.g., coordinated program, course, or curriculum aimed to improve individual performance) - $1,500

Statewide Training Events (and associated budget caps):

  • Individual licensed practitioners or behavioral health organizations are eligible to propose a continuing education training event focused on enhancing clinical delivery and/or increasing access to care. The proposed event must be open to statewide participation and can take place in person or virtually. The training must be rooted in a strong evidence base, and applicants must provide a compelling justification for how this training will advance the clinical skill set of attendees. - $2,500
  • Applications that meet the following criteria will receive increased priority:
    • Proof of cost-sharing and co-sponsorship with other organizations.
    • Events that have a strong evidence base and offer continuing education opportunities.
    • Targeted marketing to interdisciplinary and interprofessional behavioral health providers.
    • Events that have statewide reach and appeal, or events located in rural and under-resourced communities.

Clinical Training Priority Areas

Through the Lifelong Learning Fund, BHECN strives to create opportunities for individuals to obtain high-quality training and continuing education rooted in a strong evidence base.

Priority will be given to applicants serving rural and under-resourced communities, and applicants requesting training in modalities that currently fulfill areas of greatest clinical need within Nebraska. This year, the following psychotherapy trainings will be prioritized for funding:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Biofeedback
  • Prolonged exposure for PTSD
  • Behavioral parent training

Beyond clinical trainings, requests for trainings that enhance knowledge related to behavioral health business practices will also be considered.

If your proposed training is not listed as a priority area, you will be given the opportunity to submit additional justification (e.g., annotated bibliography, literature review of current evidence base).

Applicants applying for funding to pursue training in a psychotherapy modality and/or to enhance their clinical skills are encouraged to consult the following resources:

Requirements and Eligibility

We encourage all behavioral health practitioners (provisionally and fully licensed providers) and trainees (undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students) currently residing in Nebraska, who have not received funding from the BHECN Lifelong Learning Fund in the past five years to apply. Priority will be given to applicants serving rural and under-resourced communities, and applicants requesting training in modalities with a strong evidence base. Applications should focus on a single request for a specified event or activity (e.g., attending one conference, participating in one training). Applications requesting funding for more than one activity will not be considered.

Application Details  

Applications will only be accepted through the official application platform during the timeframes indicated on the platform’s homepage. Applications submitted before or after the indicated timeframes will not be considered.

When to Apply

Applications for this program are accepted three times a year. The rounds are as follows:

  • The Oct. 1-15 round accepts applications for projects/trainings/conferences occurring between Oct. 31*** and Feb. 28.
  • The Feb. 1-15 round accepts applications for projects/trainings/conferences occurring between Feb. 28*** and July 31.
  • The July 1-15 round accepts applications for projects/trainings/conferences occurring between July 31*** and Oct. 31.

Award notifications will be made within one month of the closing date of each round.

***If you are applying for an event that takes place on or around this date, you may not receive a decision about your application prior to the event taking place. If awarded funding, you will be able to apply for reimbursement for activities and related expenses that align with state and federal guidelines. See the FAQ section below for information about the types of eligible expenses and the reimbursement process.

Apply here.


Read some frequently asked questions about the Lifelong Learning Fund.

If I apply for BHECN LLF but do not receive funding, can I apply for the next round?
Yes, the same applicant is welcome to resubmit his or her application in a subsequent round.
What types of projects, trainings, or conferences are eligible?
Behavioral health national conferences and trainings focusing on modalities supported by strong evidence. Applications should focus on a single request for a specified event or activity (e.g., attending one conference, participating in one training). Requests to attend events outside the continental United States and international events (including Puerto Rico and Hawaii) won’t be considered.
What if I live in another state but study/work in Nebraska remotely or through telehealth, am I eligible?

No, individuals whose permanent residence is outside of Nebraska are not eligible to apply. This includes those who live out-of-state but practice (in-person or via telehealth) in Nebraska or are enrolled in a Nebraska college/university (in-person, hybrid, or online).

What types of expenses are eligible for reimbursement if my application is awarded funding?

General guidelines are provided below. For more information, please visit the University of Nebraska System Travel website.

  • Mileage: LLF awardees will be reimbursed for use of a personal vehicle (including vans, pickups, panel trucks and motorcycles) at the standard mileage rate established by the University of Nebraska for the actual miles driven on LLF approved business. Fuel receipts will not be accepted for personal vehicle travel reimbursement. Documentation of the traveler’s direct route will need to be submitted prior to receiving reimbursement.
  • Meals: LLF Awardees must abide by the University per diem model for meals. Meal receipts will not be accepted for reimbursement. Per diem will not be provided for one-day events, activities, and trainings.
  • Lodging: LLF Awardees are expected to select reasonably priced lodging accommodations when on official business and will be requested to justify charges that appear to be excessive.
How do I receive payment if I am awarded LLF funds?
The distribution of funds for this award follows a reimbursement process. To receive funding, you will be asked to submit proof of payment for expenses outlined in your proposal within 30 days of purchase. Once received, guidance will be provided on additional forms that need to be completed to finalize your request and process your reimbursement. Receipts received more than 30 days after date of purchase cannot be reimbursed. BHECN receives the necessary information, a single reimbursement check will be processed.