DSM-5-TR Update Webinar 2022
What Providers Need to Know
Activity Description
After nine years of using the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), changes are on the horizon for behavioral health practitioners with the release of the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR). In March of 2022, the DSM-5-TR was released with a new disorder, changes, and clarifications for 70 disorders, and billing updates that include new ICD-10-CM codes. Important in this revision is how culture, racism, and discrimination are viewed from the diagnostic lens. Revisions from the DSM-5 to the DSM-5-TR will be reviewed in this webinar with a focus on understanding how the changes will impact diagnosing, billing practices, strategies to address cultural changes, and application to real-world cases.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for behavioral health providers to include psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced practice nurses, nurses, licensed mental health therapists, social workers, and other interested healthcare professionals.
Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this material, the participants should be better able to:
- Discuss the changes made related to the DSM-5 and resources available to the newly released DSM-5-TR in practice.
- Describe the clarifications incorporated into the new DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria including the updated coding procedures.
- Identify how to incorporate the new criteria of the DSM-5-TR based on ‘real world’ cases.
The estimated time to complete this material is 240 minutes.

Presented by: Krista Fritson, PsyD
- Licensed Psychologist
- BHECN-Kearney, Director
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Professor of Psychology
Krista Fritson, PsyD, licensed clinical psychologist, is the Director of BHECN Kearney, located on campus at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK). Her focus is on studying and implementing ways to support the behavioral health workforce in Kearney and the surrounding rural areas of Nebraska. Dr. Fritson is passionate about de-stigmatizing mental health and has taken on the challenge of continuing to build and strengthen relationships for BHECN in the Kearney area. Dr. Fritson has 17 years of experience in the field of behavioral health and is a full-time professor at UNK in undergraduate Psychology. She also has a private practice - Fritson Psychological Services which has been in business for 7 years. Dr. Fritson is passionate about promoting psychology, workforce development and helping Nebraskans to support Nebraskans.

Presented by: Arden Szepe, PhD, NCC
- Doane University, Assistant Professor
Revisions from the DSM-5 to the DSM-5-TR will be reviewed in this webinar with a focus on understanding how the changes will impact diagnosing, billing practices, strategies to address cultural changes, and application to real-world cases.