BHECN Panhandle
BHECN Panhandle serves as an additional location supporting the BHECN mission of recruitment and retention of behavioral health professionals across Nebraska. BHECN Panhandle covers the entire panhandle of Nebraska and Cherry County.
Frontier Area Rural Mental-Health Camp and Mentorship Program
FARM CAMP is a project developed by Western Nebraska Behavioral Health and funded in part by BHECN. It is intended to identify and mentor rural students who are interested in eventual careers in behavioral health.
BHECN Panhandle Advisory Board Members
Regional Administrator, Region 1
Private Practice
Psychology Professor, Department of Professional Studies, Chadron State College
Behavioral/Mental Health Director, Educational Service Unit (ESU) 13
Director, BHECN Central
Director, BHECN
Executive Clinical Director, North East Panhandle Substance Abuse Center
Professor, Social Work, Department of Professional Studies, Chadron State College
Human Services Program Director, Western Nebraska Community College
Co-Director, BHECN (?)
Director of Behavioral Health, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Options in Psychology
Professor, Counseling, Department of Professional Studies, Chadron State College

Catherine Jones-Hazledine, PhD
Co-Director, BHECN Panhandle
Licensed Psychologist and Owner, Western Nebraska Behavioral Health

Tara Wilson, PhD, NCC, LMHP
Co-Director, BHECN Panhandle
Associate Professor, Chadron State College