University of Nebraska Medical Center

Developing Nebraska's behavioral health workforce

BHECN was created by the Nebraska Legislature in 2009 and housed at the UNMC. BHECN was charged with leading state behavioral health workforce development efforts including the recruitment, training and retention of behavioral health workers.

BHECN’s work is more important than ever as the state faces a critical shortage of behavioral health workers at a time when -- thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic -- the need for behavioral health care is higher than it has ever been.

Introduction and Workforce Overview with Dr. Marley Doyle

Pathways toward a career in behavioral health

Read a brochure and watch videos that explore the various career paths you can take to become a behavioral health professional in the state of Nebraska.

A behavioral health student.

Upcoming BHECN events

03-10-2025 - 04-10-2025

GTSP/PMHNP stipend application cycles

All Day



BHECN Annual Awards Dinner

6:00 pm

Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha

04-25-2025 - 03-25-2025

Primary Care Provider Workshop

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Younes Conference Center South, Kearney

Recent News

Marley Doyle, Jessie Buche, Melissa Tibbitsbbit


BHECN-ARPA support having big workforce impact

The BHECN-ARPA Awards Program has significantly increased the number of behavioral health students and provisionally licensed providers who receive supervision in Nebraska, new evaluation data show.

Students work in classroom.


Application cycles for psychiatric nurse practitioner and graduate trainee stipend programs open March 10

The application cycles for the programs will run March 10 through April 10.

People attend a conference.


BHECN starts national alliance of behavioral health workforce centers

Read more about the Behavioral Health Workforce Center Alliance!

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