Beating Breast Cancer

Our mission is to reach individuals experiencing breast cancer in diverse communities throughout Nebraska and beyond. We strive to make lives better by empowering people with information and promoting health equity.

We all want to beat breast cancer, but the playing field is not even for all women.  

  • Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Black and Hispanic women. 
  • Black women die from breast cancer 40% more than White women.  
  • American Indian/Alaska Native women are 4% more likely to die from breast cancer than White women.  
  • In recent years, rates of breast cancer diagnosis have increased among Hispanic and American Indian/Alaska Native women compared to other groups.  
  • Social disadvantage creates barriers to cancer screening and timely, appropriate treatment for women of all race/ethnicity.

Why may certain women have greater disadvantage when it comes to cancer?  

Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native women may be: 

  • diagnosed with breast cancer at younger ages than White women.
  • experience more aggressive breast cancers. 
  • lack resources and opportunities for knowledge about breast cancer and treatment.
  • experience longstanding socioeconomic disadvantages and discrimination that are barriers to screening and ability to access and receive quality care.

Knowledge is Power!

How should I use this site?  

When you or your loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer, this website will be a resource.

Information in Beating Breast Cancer is meant to: 

  • Support what you learn from your doctor 
  • Provide knowledge to prepare for your appointments 
  • Increase your ability to ask questions about care 
  • Reduce fears and anxiety about seeking and receiving breast cancer treatment 

Your doctors are the best source of information about YOU.

woman holding pink ribbon


Breast Cancer Staging

Have you ever wondered what breast cancer stages 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mean? Click on the video to learn more about breast cancer staging. For additional information, please refer to the Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Handbook below. Patient Education Materials (Educación del Paciente)

Two women discussing something important.


Surgery and Clinical Trials

Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer has evolved incredibly over the past 50 years. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines aid physicians and patients in best care practices.

Team of doctors smiling


The Breast Cancer Care Team

Get to know the Breast Cancer Care Team and our process.

About Us

Learn more about the Beating Breast Cancer project.

woman holding pink ribbon