Initiating Research

As with many things in medicine, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We suggest that you start by collecting the most comprehensive information possible.
You may have come across an interesting and relevant clinical question that you would like to explore in the laboratory or the clinical research setting. The first step is to get a thorough overview of the literature. This should involve a structured and standardized literature search using medical subject headings (MeSH) terms on your topic of interest.
If you have never done one, watch this introduction, and then you can schedule a 1:1 session on how to do this effectively with UNMC library staff.
If you have not attended instruction on how to do a structured literature search, we can assure you that you will come away with the knowledge that will save you a lot of time. These skills will make your literature searches faster and more complete, reducing the likelihood of you embarking on a project lacking novelty because you missed major published findings on the topic. Tip: Leverage your literature search by publishing it as a review; grow your publishing portfolio while preparing your research project.
The UNMC library liaison responsible for the Department of Anesthesiology is Emily Glenn, Associate Dean, Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library. You can reach out to her directly and to library staff at
If you are not doing so already, start working with a citation management software as soon as possible. The standard tool that is used most commonly in the research world is Endnote. Endnote is available freely from UNMC to campus members.
For more tips including how to write a research paper, please visit the Practical Resources page.
Now that you have become an expert on the question at hand, it is time to think about approaches and methods. Here, a conversation with potential mentors can be the next logical step. However, thorough preparation for your first conversation with a potential mentor may improve what both parties will get out of it.
For example, if you are considering using a laboratory model, reading about its application in other settings may be helpful. Similarly, before consulting with a biostatistician, it is important to understand what information they need to help you. We highly recommend the free online classes the UNMC College of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics offers. You can take these on your own time.
Another excellent series on what clinicians should know about biostatistics was published by the statistical editors of Anesthesia and Analgesia “Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Study Design: A Practical Online Primer for Clinicians” by Vetter TR, Schober P, Mascha EJ.
Preparation will make your conversation with the experts much more efficient. Think of a novice learner coming to your operating room to learn how to intubate. The time will be much more efficiently spent if the word “Mallampati” rings a bell, even if the learner has never intubated a patient.
If you have never embarked on a similarly scaled/complex project as you have in mind, having a knowledgeable and experienced mentor with a successful track record of where you want to go is critical.
For such a relationship to grow sustainably, it must be mutually beneficial. A mentor will look for a hard-working self-starter who will work diligently and write carefully crafted manuscripts; a mentee will look for a mentor with a track record of bringing junior investigators to success (=publishing as first author / securing a career development grant). Do your homework. Make sure you know a mentor’s track record. PubMed and NIH Reporter can be helpful in that regard. Assuming a mentor is committed and qualified, you are highly encouraged to seek mentors outside the department and the institution. Ask us for suggestions.
A test of its reciprocity is recommended before investing resources in a long-term relationship. Completing a lower-level scholarly product, such as a review on the topic you would like to study, is a great way to develop expertise and test if the mentee and mentor are committed to contributing meaningfully to the relationship.
Once most of the above steps have been taken, it is time to propose your project for funding. The UNMC Department of Anesthesiology is in a unique situation to be able to support a significant amount of departmental research. We have designed a competitive application process to raise the quality of our work to the highest level possible.
A critical component of raising the quality of research work is peer review. You will encounter this concept when it comes time to submit your manuscript for publication. Peer review is a core expression of taking responsibility for the greater good. Your proposal will also undergo an abbreviated peer review process within our department – and eventually, you will be asked to review your peers’ proposals. The goal is not to slow you down but to make your proposal as good as it can be and set you up for success in the long run.
We want to encourage and support you in submitting your work for extramural funding. Funding is a critical component of research, not only to help pay the bills but also to raise the quality of the work and to enable changes to your proposal before it is too late.
Admittedly, a rejected grant application or rejected paper often causes strong frustrations. That said, we encourage you to view it as an opportunity and indeed a requirement to increase the quality and impact of your work eventually. Don’t be discouraged by failure. With a 10% funding rate, this is part of the process. Celebrate having tried. Tenacity will be required for success – but you will be successful eventually.
There are many anesthesiology-specific funding resources, and we are glad to point you toward additional sources. We encourage you to think outside the box. Sometimes lesser-known sources may be easier to come by, for example from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
While everyone loves NIH funding, there are multiple federal funding agencies that provide excellent funding mechanisms, including:
- Department of Defense
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute .
International Anesthesia Research Society: IARS Mentored Research Award
The Foundation for Anesthesia Education: Research and Grant Funding
Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists: Funding Opportunities
Association of University Anesthesiologists & others: IMPACT Award
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation: Grants & Awards
Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology: Young Investigator Grant; SOAP/Kybele International Outreach Grant
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: Research Grants
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia: SPA Young Investigator Research Grants
Society for Technology in Anesthesia: Awards & Grants
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesiologists: SAMBA Research Awards
As noted above in the regulatory requirement section, any funds coming to or leaving UNMC have to be pre-approved by UNMC Sponsored Programs Administration. Reach out to us well ahead (i.e., 4-6 weeks prior) of any grant deadlines to start this process.
Regulatory Requirements
Research in the US is highly regulated, and it is all our responsibility to know and play by the rules. This encompasses multiple domains, including protecting human subjects, responsible oversight of animal care and use and appropriately managing and disclosing relevant conflicts of interest.
COI, IRB, and CITI training must be in place before collecting patient data.