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University of Nebraska Medical Center

T&L 3 The Learners Approach to Learning (Part 2)

T&L 3 The Learners Approach to Learning (Part 2)


This episode, recorded by Dr. Kaitlyn Pellegrino, describes the way students learn and how different approaches impact knowledge. PART TWO analyzes different learning styles and the impact educators have on the quantity and quality of knowledge.


1. Discuss the 4 phases and 9 positions of William Perry’s scheme of intellectual and ethical development

2. Recognize the different approaches to learning students can employ

3. Explain the impact teaching styles and departmental influence plays on student learning


Article: Learning Styles & Approaches: Implications for Medical Education, By Newble

Article: A Study of Resident Learning Behavior, By Mitchell


This podcast series provides foundational information for faculty who seek to better understand the application of education theory with medical education.  Special thanks to the faculty and material presented at the 2020 Society for Education in Anesthesia Workshop on Teaching from which this series was adapted.

This project was made possible through the UNMC Faculty Development Innovation & Momentum Grant.



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