University of Nebraska Medical Center

CTA 2 Separation from CPB

CTA 2 Separation from CPB

Welcome to the second episode of the Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology podcast series.

This episode includes the following:

  1. Preparation for separating from bypass
    a. Is everyone ready? Patient, surgeon, perfusion, anesthesia
    b. Bleeding, bed position, blood products
  2. Pre-separation checklist
    a. Oxygenation/Ventilation
    b. Anesthetic Gases
    c. Alarms
    d. Rate and Rhythm
    e. Temperature
    f. Electrolytes
  3. Medications you want to have ready, drips vs bolus
  4. Inotropes vs. Vasopressors
  5. Which patients are we going to have trouble with?
    a. Veletri or NO?
  6. Communication in coming off bypass
    a. Who is in charge of what?
    b. Communication Triangle with “readback”
  7. When to give protamine?
    a. How much and why?
    b. How fast should you give and and what happens if there is a “problem”?


Disclaimer Statement:
The information presented in this podcast is the expressed opinion of the individuals appearing on this episode and does not necessarily represent those of the cardiac team, Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, or the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology. The content presented herein is to serve as additional education, in line with the Division’s education syllabus and is not meant to be a replacement for reading texts or journal articles pertinent to the topics discussed.
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