University of Nebraska Medical Center

Alumni Councils

Each UNMC college has an alumni council with representatives that serve on the UNMC Alumni Association Board of Directors.

  • Our mission is to engage alumni and support UNMC. 
  • Our vision is informed, inspired and invested alumni and friends.
  • Our core values are teamwork, communication, pride, and service.

Our Alumni Councils

Our Strategic Goals

Prepare students and new alumni to be engaged.

Purposefully build the next generation of alumni leaders and volunteers in support of institutional success.

Engage alumni with UNMC and each other.

Deploy meaningful engagement, customized communication and valued volunteer opportunities.

Impact institutional priorities.

Advance the mission and success of the University through intentional programmatic alignment.

Empower alumni partners to achieve measurable outcomes.

The association will serve as a valued resource for UNMC, empowering alumni councils to achieve metrics based outcomes.


We are always seeking alumni who would like to be actively involved in making a difference. Serving on an alumni council is a rewarding experience and is a minimal time commitment. If you'd like to learn more, send us a note: alumni@unmc.edu.
