Lesley Gilmer, PhD

Dr. Gilmer earned his Ph.D. in Anatomy and Neurobiology from University of Kentucky in 2009 in neurotrauma research. He also received a Graduate Teaching Certificate in Graduate-level Anatomical Sciences Instruction during his dissertation tenure. Dr. Gilmer was a post doctorate scholar from 2011 to 2012 specializing in mitochondrial dysfunction that occurs following a focal insult. He completed a one-year residency for medical neuroanatomy education at the University of Pikeville School of Osteopathic Medicine in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Research Interests
Dr Gilmer is interested in reporting anatomical variations found in cadavers and pathological findings that are revealed during human anatomy and neuroanatomy dissection courses to regional and national meetings at either the American Association of Clinical Anatomists or American Association of Anatomist conferences. He is also interested in research to improve anatomical education of health care professionals. One avenue that may improve student learning or test scores is accessibility and utilization of recorded lecture and laboratory dissected cadaveric material.
Honors and Awards
- 2023 Student Champion Award. University of Louisville School of Medicine (student - nominated; faculty - voted). Louisville, KY.
- 2015 Educator of the Year Award. Arizona School of Health Sciences. A.T. Still University (faculty/student -nominated/voted). Mesa, AZ
- 2014 Teacher of the Year by the Arizona Student Government Association (student - nominated/voted). Mesa, AZ
Dept of Allied Health Professions Education, Research, & Practice Faculty
College of Allied Health Professions
Health Science Education Complex
2402 University Drive
Kearney, NE 68849-4510