University of Nebraska Medical Center

Stacie Christensen, PT, DPT

Assistant Professor
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy


Stacie Christensen, PT, DPT
Christensen is an assistant professor in the Physical Therapy program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She is a board certified clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy. She graduated from UNMC in 2008 and served as staff and then lead therapist at a local Nebraska hospital for 11 years in the setting of inpatient rehab and acute care with additional experiences in skilled nursing and outpatient. Christensen has served as a clinical instructor to many PT and PTA students over her years in clinical practice, served as clinical lab assistant to the Kearney campus of UNMC before becoming full time faculty.

Christensen is experienced in rehab of many patients with neurological impairments including those post-stroke. She has been involved in the Nebraska Stroke Advisory Council: Rehab Task Force, who is working hand-in-hand with the American Heart Association Mission: Lifeline Stroke transform stroke care by focusing efforts on connecting all components of acute stroke care into a smoothly integrated system. She is an active member within the stroke special interest group of the Academy of Neurologic Physical therapy.
  • NCS, Neurologic Clinical Specialist, 2020
  • DPT, Division of Physical Therapy Education, School of Allied Health Professions, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2008
  • BS, Health Sciences, Chadron State College, 2003
  • Neuro-IFRAH certified, 2012
  • Credentialed Clinical Instructor: American Physical Therapy Association, 2011
Research Interests
  • Stroke care
  • Management of individuals with stroke following acute care
  • Use and design of e-Learning in physical therapy education