Stacie Christensen, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy

Christensen is experienced in rehab of many patients with neurological impairments including those post-stroke. She has been involved in the Nebraska Stroke Advisory Council: Rehab Task Force, who is working hand-in-hand with the American Heart Association Mission: Lifeline Stroke transform stroke care by focusing efforts on connecting all components of acute stroke care into a smoothly integrated system. She is an active member within the stroke special interest group of the Academy of Neurologic Physical therapy.
- NCS, Neurologic Clinical Specialist, 2020
- DPT, Division of Physical Therapy Education, School of Allied Health Professions, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2008
- BS, Health Sciences, Chadron State College, 2003
- Neuro-IFRAH certified, 2012
- Credentialed Clinical Instructor: American Physical Therapy Association, 2011
Research Interests
- Stroke care
- Management of individuals with stroke following acute care
- Use and design of e-Learning in physical therapy education
Physical Therapy Program
Department of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Health Science Education Complex
2402 University Drive
Kearney, NE 68849-4510