Message from the Dean
Welcome to the UNMC College of Allied Health Professions!

Dean Kyle P. Meyer, PhD, MS, FASAHP
Allied health is the term often used to refer to the collective of as many as 200 health professions. Most of these professions deal with some aspect of providing diagnostic and treatment services, or operating leading-edge technologies that derive diagnostic data. It has been estimated that allied health professionals may constitute up to 60% of the approximately 12 million workers in the health care sector.
Allied health professionals and the quality services they provide are needed now more than ever, as many of the allied health professions are currently experiencing significant workforce shortages. For the time period between 2018 and 2028, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that many of the fastest growing occupations are in healthcare and related services. Of the 30 fastest growing occupations, 18 are in healthcare and related occupations.
The College of Allied Health Professions boasts of engaging and accessible faculty who are devoted to helping students maximize their learning potential by providing contemporary, state-of-the-art education.
As Nebraska’s only public academic health science center, UNMC offers multiple health education programs, provides the highest quality patient care, and conducts leading edge research. At UNMC students from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and the allied health professions have the opportunity to learn with and from one another.
The time is right to pursue a career in one of the allied health fields. I wish you the very best on an exciting journey as an allied health professional.
Kyle P. Meyer, PhD, MS, FASAHP
College of Allied Health Professions
Our Academic Programs
The College offers academic programs leading to careers in the following health professions: