Promotion & Tenure Toolkit
Hear Academy members share their personal experiences with the process of promotion and tenure.
Take the guesswork out of your promotion and tenure teaching portfolio.
Promotion and tenure can be stressful, especially if you don't have a guidebook to follow. That's where we can help.
Among the successful promotion repository documents submitted to the Academy from a myriad of colleges and programs, we've compiled a toolkit of helpful tips and tricks to navigate the P&T process.
Key Resources
How To's
Promotion and tenure decisions should be made in concert with your supervisor and should be discussed as part of the employment review process each year.
Individuals may arrive at the time for promotion at a variety of time points in their career, but most colleges outline standard minimums for each promotion level.
Begin to learn about promotion at least one to two years before you plan to go up. Attend a P&T informational meeting, such as the one Faculty Development hosts annually. Your college may also have similar programming.
TIP: It is never too early to begin keeping organized records of your work!
Record keeping of accomplishments, awards, presentations, publications and other scholarly products is essential to building your case for promotion. A good way to do this is with an e-portfolio.
The process for promotion and tenure will be guided by specific due dates from your college. It is typically about a one-year process that starts after annual faculty appraisals. Identify the deadlines and begin setting personal goals to prepare the different elements.
Take special notice of any documents that must be signed or created by your supervisors or administrators, so that you give them adequate time to complete their contributions.
Also, each college will handle letters of evaluation or external review differently, so be sure to review the guidelines carefully.

Email Dr. Beth Beam to Add Your P&T Narrative
We are seeking examples of successful narratives and portfolios to add to our Promotion & Tenure Toolkit. If you are interested in sharing your documents, please email Beth Beam, PhD, for more information.