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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Education Council

Senior leaders provide guidance and insights to shape the future of academic success at UNMC.

The Education Council is a committee consisting of senior education leaders from UNMC, Nebraska Medicine and the Student Senate.

The group meets monthly to discuss academic-related curricular and other matters and serves in an advisory role to the vice chancellor for academic affairs. 

Some of the Education Council's key activities include:

  • Developing and revising UNMC policies pertaining to education and students 
  • Providing a forum for discussion of policies that affect educational units and students
  • Providing a forum for discussion of campus services that affect students and faculty

Council Members

Area Representative
Academic Affairs Jane Meza, PhD
Allied Health Professions Tammy Webster, PhD — Co-Chair
Dentistry Yun Saksena, DMD
Facilities Management & Planning Nathan Adams
Faculty Development Linda Love, EdD
Graduate Studies Kendra Schmid, PhD
iEXCEL Benjamin Stobbe
Interprofessional Academy of Educators Brian Boerner, MD
Interprofessional Education Devin Nickol, MD
IT Academic Technologies Melissa Diers — Co-Chair
Library Katie Bishop
Medicine Geoffrey Talmon, MD
Munroe-Meyer Institute Keith Allen, PhD
Nebraska Medicine Amy L. Duhachek-Stapelman, MD
Nursing Tiffany Moore, PhD
Pharmacy Donald Klepser, PhD
Public Health Nicole Kolm-Valdivia, PhD
Student Senate Tristan Caffrey
Student Success Phil Covington, EdD

Policy Committee Members

Committee Member Area Represents
Associate Vice Chancellor
for Student Success
Phil Covington, EdD — Chair
Allied Health Professions Maggie Winnicki
Allied Health Professions Amber Donnelly, PhD 
Dentistry Yun Saksena, DMD
Graduate Studies  Kendra Schmid, PhD
Medicine TBD
Nursing Lori Turner
Pharmacy Christopher Shaffer, PharmD, PhD
Public Health Jessica Tschirren
Student Success Andrew Faltin, JD