External Advisors
The Design Thinking external advisory board provides insights and guidance to help grow design thinking locally and nationally.
Members in the external advisory board draw from their experience in academia, medicine and the health care industry.

Kathryn Segovia, PhD
Head of Learning Experience Design
d.school, Stanford University
Bio | @KathrynSegovia
Dr. Kathryn Segovia helps people break through doubt and uncertainty to see their work life in a new way. She is a life-long learner who loves rapid prototyping and getting to know new people.

Morgan Hutchinson, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Director of Education at the Health Design Lab
Thomas Jefferson University
Dr. Morgan Hutchinson is a driving force in Design Thinking. She is on a mission to improve healthcare by training doctors to think like designers. Dr. Hutchinson's work focuses on the application of human-centered design to medical education and healthcare delivery.

Doug Dietz, MBA
Principal Design Thinker (retired)
GE Healthcare
Reimagining the MRI | TED Talk
Doug Dietz worked for GE healthcare for more than 20 years before retiring. Using Design Thinking, he created the "Adventure Series" scanner used at children's hospitals across the country.