
Get all the services you need in one, easy location.
Faculty Commons offers one location where you can meet with education, career, technology and educational research experts.
Assessment strategies
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators, Assessment & Accreditation Office
Blended learning
Experts: E-Learning, Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators, IT Academic Technologies
Course planning and curriculum design
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators, IT Academic Technologies
Educational best practices
Experts: E-Learning, Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators, IT Academic Technologies
Instructional design
Experts: E-Learning, IT Academic Technologies
Lecture skills
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators
Remote teaching strategies
Experts: E-Learning, Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators, IT Academic Technologies
Teaching strategies
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators
Technology to increase engagement
Experts: E-Learning, IT Academic Technologies
Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback, Intervention System (AEFIS)
Experts: Accreditation and Assessment
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Determining best software for your needs
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Experts: Interactive E-Learning
Experts: Accreditation and Assessment
Office 360
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Poll Everywhere
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Remote teaching software/programs
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Experts: IT Academic Technologies
Experts: Faculty Development
Leadership development
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators
Experts: Mentoring Program, Interprofessional Academy of Educators
Presentation skills
Experts: Faculty Development, Interprofessional Academy of Educators
Promotion and tenure
Experts: Mentoring Program, Faculty Development
Social media to advance your career
Experts: Faculty Development, Strategic Communications
The Interprofessional Academy of Educators provides support services to Academy members in developing educational scholarship projects. Non-members are eligible for one hour of consultation on these topics per academic year.
- Research design
- Data collection methods
- Approaches for data analysis
- Identifying potential funding mechanisms
- Developing funding proposals
- Identifying publication outlets
- Preparing manuscripts for publications

Visit us in the McGoogan Library
Faculty Commons is located on the sixth level of Wittson Hall (take a left after you get off the elevators). The area is open 24/7 (consultation by appointment) and your ID badge is required for entry.