Faculty Commons
Faculty Commons includes resources and experts ready to help UNMC faculty succeed.
Discover. Collaborate. Recharge.
Faculty Commons is a dedicated space for faculty members where they can test ideas, ask questions, check out resources, become inspired, or focus on writing and teaching projects — plus, the area offers an inviting atmosphere to engage with colleagues over coffee or have a quiet place to work away from your normal area.
Located on the main floor of the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library, Faculty Commons is a safe space for all UNMC faculty, including clinical providers at Nebraska Medicine, Children's Nebraska, emeritus faculty, visiting faculty and faculty from other institutions who have joint appointments at UNMC.
Your one-stop faculty resource center
Have questions about teaching strategies? Looking to incorporate technology into your courses? Need help planning educational scholarship? Want advice on promotion and tenure?
Faculty Commons is your support hub for educational resources. The partners of Faculty Commons consult with educators to provide teaching, technology, course development and career advancement resources. We also collaborate to create workshops, training sessions, networking opportunities and other events designed to help our faculty community grow personally and professionally. Faculty Commons partners include:
- Faculty Development
The Office of Faculty Development aims to enhance our diverse faculty's skills in clinical and classroom teaching, research, leadership and scholarship. It is their mission to provide faculty with the tools they need for a successful career at UNMC. - Interprofessional Academy of Educators
A community created by educators for educators, the Academy provides you with the support you need to become an effective teacher and educational scholar. They do this by promoting the use of education best practices, fostering and disseminating educational research and innovation, and mentoring early career faculty and preceptors. - IT Academic Technologies
IT Academic Technologies empowers faculty, staff and students to optimally use technology in their pursuit of teaching, learning and scholarship success. The team is ready to help you fine tune your education technology competency, enhance your teaching skill sets and build confidence in using education technology.
Stop by
McGoogan Library
6th level of Wittson Hall
(take a left after you get off the elevators)
Open 24/7
(consultations by appointment)
ID badge required for entry; safety guidelines apply.

Contact Faculty Affairs
for more information
Email us with questions or to set up a consultation