Transporting & Shipping Internationally
UNMC and UNO conforms to strict government regulations. When sharing, shipping, transmitting, or transferring goods, technology or software/codes to a foreign national in the US or a foreign individual, entity or country outside the US, you are required to have an Export Control Review done by Export Control and Environmental Health & Safety.
Items that require review include:
- Goods (testing kits, chemicals, equipment, hardware and materials including biological materials)
- Technology (technical information and data)
- Software/codes (commercial or custom)
After the review, we can provide guidance and assistance concerning the permitting, licensing, packaging and shipping of these materials. Review the Export Control Decision Tree for Shipping for more details.
Important Information & Forms
Shipping Resources
Discover the ins and outs of transporting and shipping items internationally.

Meet the Export Control Experts
UNMC and UNO experts provide guidance and assistance concerning export controls and the permitting, licensing, packaging and shipping of those materials.