
Leadership & Mission

Together, through experience and a no-nonsense, can-do approach, our leaders are creating a more vibrant academic health science center and a stronger economy for all Nebraskans.

Led by Interim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, this diverse group represents all corners of the United States and the world. Our leaders ensure that UNMC’s research, education and patient care rank among the best. Through collaboration and strategic goals, we face and conquer challenges like Ebola, COVID-19, nursing shortages and next-generation medical education through cutting-edge simulation.

Our vice chancellors

Experts in their fields, nationally and internationally known, our vice chancellors are focused on making UNMC the most learner-centered, academically advanced health sciences center in the nation.

UNMC Mission

We are Nebraska Medicine and UNMC.

Our mission is to lead the world in transforming lives to create a healthy future for all individuals and communities through premier educational programs, innovative research and extraordinary patient care.

Our Deans & Directors

Talk with any of our visionary deans and directors, and the message is clear: Each has a focused commitment to delivering world-class health professions education. We're adding new programs and new ways of presenting information for today's learners, using cutting-edge technology for simulation and curriculum delivery. Oftentimes, the work done here becomes a global model for strong, healthy communities and a testament of the boundless possibilities that exist here, at UNMC.

UNMC is one of four University of Nebraska campuses, along with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The Board of Regents consists of eight voting members elected by district for six-year terms. The Board also includes a non-voting student Regent from each NU campus. The Board of Regents supervises the general operations of the university, as well as controls and directs all expenditures.

The board appoints the University of Nebraska president, who serves as the chief executive. Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., the ninth NU president, reports to the Board. Each campus chancellor reports to the president.

Dr. Davies also receives input from a Board of Counselors, a statewide citizen advisory group whose members serve as ambassadors for UNMC.