
Reaching Diverse Populations with Dementia Education: 

GWEP primary care partners are charged with reaching patients and caregivers with resources and education.  In working with a partner FQHC (OneWorld, Inc) they spoke with us about the diverse population that they serve.  While there are Spanish language materials available nationally and the Alzheimer’s Association has resources in some other languages, we needed a way to reach these additional populations.  Staff at OneWorld identified languages where they needed help connecting caregivers to resources.  The NGWEP provided outreach letters from the clinic written in 20 different languages to meet this need.  The letters and corresponding resources are provided through the links below. Partner clinics print the letters with the English translation on the back side and post to the patient/caregiver home address.  The National Alzheimer’s association has a website for some of these languages, which can also be found through the links.


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