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Breaking Ground
& Groundbreaking

21st Century Health Sciences

Reaching New Levels of Excellence

UNMC's world-class research results in breakthroughs that make life better for people throughout Nebraska – and beyond. UNMC's researchers are bold, innovative and at the forefront of health sciences research, education, patient care and outreach.

More Feature Stories

Beth Beam with her PPE helmet prototype /9


Women in STEM: UNMC trailblazer Beth Beam, PhD

The University of Nebraska Medical Center boasts a formidable cohort of women who drive scientific exploration and advance modern medicine in Nebraska and beyond. This innovative nurse-scientist always considers what's possible.

Medical illustrators work in the iEXCEL area of UNMC's Davis Global Center. /9


Magicians of Medical Imagery

UNMC's health professions students learn skills in new ways, thanks to the work of a team of virtual reality and augmented reality medical illustrators with experiences from Hollywood to Netflix to the gaming industry.

Therapist Sydney Norton works with Hannah Buntin /9

Patient Care

Finding Hannah's Voice

Each spoken word is a triumph when childhood apraxia traps them inside. The UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute’s RiteCare Clinic in Hastings is teaching a 5-year-old girl the speech skills to match her outgoing personality – and highlighting the importance of that therapy to central and western Nebraska.

St. Patrick Reid, PhD /9


Making His Own Luck

A man named St. Patrick is bound to be lucky. And UNMC’s St. Patrick Reid, PhD, assistant professor of pathology and microbiology, readily admits that he has been a lucky man. But it’s not luck that Dr. Reid is a crucial contributor to the UNMC discovery that the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads through airborne transmission.

Maria Alvarran /9


Transforming the language of care

Our researchers know access to health care is essential, and they are working to increase participation in clinical trials. Read this special dual-language report on the experience of one non-English-speaking participant of an oncology clinical trial.

Jennifer Cera, DNP, and iEXCEL expert Bill Glass review 3D animations of the female pelvic floors. /9


Learning in 3D

See how Jennifer Cera, DNP, and the iEXCEL visualization team are advancing medical education and women's health through 3D animation of the female anatomy.

Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD, chair of the UNMC Department of Neurosurgery, dons the head frame and box models. /9


Combating Anxiety With Innovation

Anxiety among patients considering deep brain stimulation surgery is common, but now UNMC innovators are using simulation and 3D printing to both screen and prepare patients for a surgery in which they remain awake.

Bentley Hinrichs takes part in intensive therapy at the Munroe-Meyer Institute at UNMC. /9

Patient Care

Hitting New Strides

Munroe-Meyer Institute's intensive therapies are keeping 3-year-old Bentley Hinrichs on his toes. MMI therapists crafted a top-down therapy model for Bentley that his parents say is unlike any they’ve seen.

Ally Dering-Anderson. /9


Women Empowering Women

Nine women in leadership roles at UNMC talk about shaping health care, working through their own struggles and sharing what they've learned to help others succeed.

Education & Training

UNMC's education programs train more health professionals than any other institution in Nebraska. We offer the latest in technology, research facilities and resources to advance patient care and tackle some of the major diseases of our time.

By the Numbers

An economic engine that fuels the state of Nebraska, UNMC is an innovator in the fight against infectious diseases. Our experts lead the response to the Ebola outbreak and the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNMC's Omaha campus
Main street in a small Nebraska town
International visitors tour UNMC
$5.9 Billion/Year Together with Nebraska Medicine, UNMC has a $5.9 billion annual impact on Nebraska's economy.
701 Graduates More than 700 professionals from rural Nebraska have graduated from 'grow your own' pathway programs that offer UNMC admission and waive undergraduate tuition for those who intend to return to rural Nebraska to practice health care.
50 International Partnerships UNMC has more than 50 active or pending international agreements for education, research and business collaborations in 21 countries.

Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future

A vital enterprise in the nation’s heartland, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has its eye on improving the future of health care in Nebraska and beyond.

Support Our Future

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