General Information
The purpose of this website is to provide information about the genes represented on the Affymetrix Rhesus macaque GeneChip. This GeneChip was produced as a result of joint collaboration between the Norgren Lab and Affymetrix.
Click on Probeset to Gene Name to get a list of Probesets from the Rhesus GeneChip and their corresponding Gene Symbols and Gene Names in .xlsx format.
The fields include:
Nebraska GeneSymbol
Nebraska Gene Description
Affy GeneSymbol
Affy GeneDescription
The annotations with the Nebraska prefix are the result of a BLAST search using the consensus sequences from the Affy rhesus GeneChip files. We BLASTed these sequences against the human transcript database and identified the best hits. The annotations with the Affy prefix came from the Affymetrix annotation file for the rhesus GeneChip.
This annotation may contain errors and should be used with caution. We welcome user feedback and hope to improve the quality and usefullness of this dataset.
Rob Norgren
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Dept. Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy
985805 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 69198-5805