University of Nebraska Medical Center

Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology

Physiology is life science. Our department is advancing scientific knowledge in this essential field, which gives physiological root to every branch of modern biomedical research.

Our graduate students and faculty members work within an innovative, supportive and inclusive culture toward research breakthroughs that will, quite simply, change human health.

Meet Our Chair

Internationally recognized researcher Rebekah Gundry, PhD, serves as chair of our department, where she also is an endowed professor. She is director of the UNMC Center for Heart and Vascular Research.

Rebekah Gundry, PhD, is chair of the UNMC Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology


Through our Integrative Physiology & Molecular Medicine doctoral program and our distance-learning Medical Physiology master's program, we are developing future leaders in science and medicine, with a focus on mentorship and personalized career development.


Physiology research explores the workings of every part of the human body, and our researchers and students do this important basic science and translational investigation in cutting-edge facilities with access to the latest resources.

More About Who and Where We Are